the best amps for bass, best for the rest?

hullo fellow beardies!

i'm building a system that requires two power amps, one for the main speakers and one for the subwoofers.

the speakers are the Nola Baby Grand Reference, combined with the two seven foot bass towers from the Nola Grand Reference, c/w their electronic crossovers.

so one power amp will drive the baby grands, while the other the sub towers (coming in below 40hz)

which would be your nominations for best amps for bass, and best amps for everything except bass?

the obvious choice is to use valve power amps for the babies, and solid state amps for the subs.
i lean towards monoblocks.

current leading contenders are a new vtl 7.5 pre with 450 monos for the babies and a used pair of krell750mcx monos for the bass.

another option is to mate a used boulder 2010 with the vtl 450's and krell 750's.

a rather more expensive option is the boulder 2010, a used boulder 2060 and then either a second 2060 or another amp to complement the boulders. the 2060 could either run babies or subs, do you guys have any opinions?
or the same model amp runs all frequencies (2 x 2060)
or alternatively something completely different...?

i will choose the power amps first then match with an appropriate pre-amp.

my room is 7m x 5.25m x 2.4m high, with a concrete floor. i prefer electronic dance music (drum and bass, hard / deep / banging house and trance), dubstep and reggae / dub.
i dj roots, rockers and dub, was part of an illegal sound system for a decade hosting regular parties and an annual festival, along with dub nights.
i reside in the uk (scotland) and have no neighbours to worry about
The obvious thing to do would be to contact Nola and get their input. All your choices seem fine and I wouldn't rule out Pass Labs either. Best of Luck
thanks for your reply needfreestuff.

Carl Machisotto (head of nola) prefers valve amps all round, leaning towards audio research ref 300's, but accepts that my taste is more for solid state bottom ends.

and i've just had confirmation of the new vtl pre-power price, that rules that one out for the time being.

currently the front runner is boulder used 2010 pre-amp, new vtl 450-iii monoblocks, and used krell 750mcx monos

is there a better amp for bass than the krell 750mcx monoblocks?
or some valve monoblocks that jump all over the vtl 450-iii's ?

and will the vtl 450's (valve)be happy with a boulder 2010?
(solid state)

i realise that's a scatter-gun approach to questioning, but maybe dear reader you know the answer to one of them?

many thanks for your time and help
+1 to what Needfreestuff said above about getting Nola's input.

One local audiophile by me who had a big money system used Red Dragon M1000 monoblock amps to power the subs in his system. When I bought them and put them in my system I heard an immediate bump in bass vs the tube amp I had in place before. I say give a class D type amp a try for bass. Maybe an NCore based amp.