Mapman, I would agree that we were dumbed down back then and as you mentioned with the internet and the ability to communicate world wide so easily, we are all much more informed these days. This is a double edge sword in my opinion since information can enrich our lives but can also make us more suspicious of our government & large corporations. In fact the internet is flooded with so much information that we are left with the daunting task to decifer the real truth and would have to read between the lines to do so.
Society as a whole has steadily declined and the younger folks are now refered to as the unemployable generation. This is a big factor in trying to get them interested in high end audio coupled with the fact that more exposure is needed, at least so that they can see what is missing in their lives. I personally accept the idea that I might be part of a dying breed (still makes us unique and special) and I don't plan on going anywhere too soon and have no intentions on throwing the towel in as far as my involvement in high end audio. I still do my part getting younger people to listen to the alternative with an excellent response.
Society as a whole has steadily declined and the younger folks are now refered to as the unemployable generation. This is a big factor in trying to get them interested in high end audio coupled with the fact that more exposure is needed, at least so that they can see what is missing in their lives. I personally accept the idea that I might be part of a dying breed (still makes us unique and special) and I don't plan on going anywhere too soon and have no intentions on throwing the towel in as far as my involvement in high end audio. I still do my part getting younger people to listen to the alternative with an excellent response.