Analyzing the power from the outlet

I've been reading threads on the various methods of power cleaning -- filters, regenerators, dedicated lines, etc. But I don't see a thread that explains a systematic way of evaluating the condition of the power at the outlet. Is there a thread or a link that instructs on how to analyze the power for noise, voltage consistency, etc from the point of view of an audiophile?
mceljo, I dont pretend to be an expert on electrical matters but your example makes sense to me. My only thought on why getting a dedicated line + an AC regenerator would offer benefits is that by supplying cleaner power and grounding, the regenerator does not have to work as hard? Perhaps there is noise that it cannot completely filter out?
You didn't pay for a "filter", that would be a power conditioner. You paid for a product advertised to regenerate the power. It seems that if you believe what they say then you should take them at their word.
Rodman99999, thanks for the links to PowerVar products. I enjoyed watching Part2 & Part3 & found the info useful.
As usual its always good to hear from Ralph regarding all things directed towards hearing and the love/wonder of music and how to expand our listening pleasures.Lots of good posts here.Speaking of PowerVar I had one of their conditioners about 10-12 years ago but cannot recommend it on any level.Thanks again to all the good info here,cheers,Bob