Bryston 28B-SST2 or Karan Acoustics KA-S 600 ?

Hello everyone, i'm new on this forum.
I would like to build a new system with Thiel CS 3.7 speakers.
Therefore i need advice on a good amp to drive these speakers well.
I was thinking of Bryston's monos 28B-SST2 or the Karan Acoustics KA-S 600 stereo amp.
Price wise here in Europe the Bryston sales for 10370 € and the Karan for 21900 €.
The is a big difference in price and i would be surprised if the Karan was twice as better than the Bryston.
If any of you have experience whith these 2 amps please tell me what you think.
My source will be a tube streamer : the Ayon Audio S5.

The Hegel runs cool, and I usually leave it on 24/7, except when leaving on vacation for over a weekend. Like the Brystons, if powered off, it will sound its best after being powered on for around 1 hour...
I agree with your post, and we should acknowledge that much of what we prefer is totally system dependent, and based on how we wish our systems to sound. There is a lot of quality gear and its hard to pick tops and bottoms, unless you go to a beach! The goal is to simply enjoy the music, and not focus on the gear...
Ok thanks guys i will definitely listen to the 28Bs SST2, should be a great match for Thiels cs 3.7
Will probably put a tube preamp in front.
Any of you guys tried the big Karan amps ?
For some perspective, Gary Dayton former marketing guy at Thiel and now at Bryston, replied to a post of mine on the Bryston Audio Circle where I asked whether the 7B-SST2 or 28B-SST2 would be best suited for the KEF Blade speaker. He replied back with his experience with the Thiel 3.7 with both the 28B-SST2 and 7B-SST2. Thiel marketing used that combination for many years for demos and shows. He said the combination sounded incredible and that is why Thiel themselves went with it.

He also stated that the 7B was more than good enough for the 3.7's but if you can afford the 28B it is a little better.