Recommendations for SS preamp for Pass XA-30.8

I want to change my Pass Labs XP-10 preamp to another analog SS preamp around $ 3500-5500 (or less) new or used with balanced XLR inputs and outputs, remote control and HT Bypass.

Looking for more revealing and resolving sound with more air around instruments, better/tighter bass, better 3D imaging and wider/deeper soundstage.

The rest of the system:

Transport: OPPO BDP-105
Amp: Pass Labs XA-30.8
Speakers: Snell C7 (Floorstanding, 3-way, tri-wired, 89Db)
Interconnects: Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval
Speaker Wires: Analysis Plus Oval 9, Oval 12, Oval 12.

Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Are you sure that the XP-10 is responsible for your system's lack of those
sonic characteristics?

All of those were improved in my system by very methodical experimentation
and then optimization of speaker and listener positions.

It could be the preamp, or it could be something else. Perhaps you can
borrow some preamps from a local dealer and go from there.

There is an excellent review comparing the 30.5 to the 30.8 that was just
posted here on Audiogon. That system also uses the XP-10 and describes
some of the sound characteristics that you are looking for.
Thank you for the respond, Pete. I experimented with placement, and already positioned speakers and seating area in the best possible way in my house. Now I'm looking for something else (better and more :) ) that might change the sound in my system.
It all started when a friend of mine brought me his dual monoaural preamp Kavent S-22 (almost identical to Vincent and Sheng Ya). And I heard something I never heard before. Layers of instruments, air, tighter base, etc.
They don't make them anymore and they are rarely on sale used (my friend was looking for another one for his 2nd system for a long time).
So, any suggestion which SS preamp could be better than my XP-10?