Recommendations for SS preamp for Pass XA-30.8

I want to change my Pass Labs XP-10 preamp to another analog SS preamp around $ 3500-5500 (or less) new or used with balanced XLR inputs and outputs, remote control and HT Bypass.

Looking for more revealing and resolving sound with more air around instruments, better/tighter bass, better 3D imaging and wider/deeper soundstage.

The rest of the system:

Transport: OPPO BDP-105
Amp: Pass Labs XA-30.8
Speakers: Snell C7 (Floorstanding, 3-way, tri-wired, 89Db)
Interconnects: Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval
Speaker Wires: Analysis Plus Oval 9, Oval 12, Oval 12.

Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
"Looking for more revealing and resolving sound with more air around instruments, better/tighter bass, better 3D imaging and wider/deeper soundstage."

Alex hi, if you want all the above, just use your Oppo direct into the Pass XA30.8 and use the Oppo's volume control.
This will be the most transparent/dynamic you can get, you will get what's been recorded nothing more nothing less, with no added colouration or distortions, that active preamps will bring into play.

Cheers George
karapuz I said the Oppo was a mediocre transport not DAC. The reason you didn't hear big differences is because you used the same transport into a different DAC. If you would use a 2 channel dedicated CDP/transport you would hear the difference. The transport section of the Oppo is optimized for Blu-Ray, 2 channel is an afterthought.
What does transport have to do with digital files played directly from my hard drive? Actual CD's and SACD's are about 5% if not less of what I listen. Any suggestions?

I’m sorry I don’t have any recommendation for you or opinion on your question but, I have a question for you. I see you use the Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval Interconnects. I am thinking of purchasing them. I currently use Transparent Audio Musiclink Plus ICs.
Can you provide a description of the sound qualities of the A+ Solo Crystals Ovals ICs? Particularly in regards to mid-range weight, bass response and weight. I love the transparency of the TA Musiclink ICs but I feel they are light on weight of Mids and lows. What is your opinion and experience with them?
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
