Best Tube Based Options For B&W 803S Speakers

Thinking about taking the plunge into the tube arena to soften up the highs in my 803S speakers. I currently have an Anthem AVM30 using Genelec speakers in a 5.1 theatre system as well as an Anthem A2 pushing the 803S for 2 channel. I will be upgrading to a 7.1 processor at some point possibly the Marantz 8801 and considering an upgrade to the Oppo 105 as well.

My immediate concern is what would make the most sense and be cost effective in terms of trying out some tube equipment for a 2 channel rig. Perhaps keep the A2 and try a tube preamp, or sell it and try an integrated tube amp. Maybe try some type of tube based CD player using the analog bypass in the theatre processor. My budget is around $2,500 used and I am looking for something easy to maintain.

Comments are much appreciated thanks.

"As far as Stereophile goes, I think you'll get a better sounding system doing just the opposite of what they say."

Wow, why didn't I think of that? Go exactly the opposite direction. So I presume you're a big fan of Bose maybe?

About the Matrix 800 series tweeters, if you care to read more

Quoting the reviewer Larry Greenhill "The 805's tweeter is almost in a class by itself."

Other rave reviews
Matrix 800

Matrix 801

Yep, these speakers are true MONITORS and will indeed reveal what is in the source material. You need good equipment to match with these speakers -- otherwise you are wasting your time. Poor recordings will be bothersome. And BRIGHT recordings will sound harsh. There is your "ice pick" reference.

I don't blame the speaker for that. Obviously you do. To each his own.
Unfortunately I just don't have the access to the lines required to go forward with moving tubes into this system at this point. Perhaps a recommendation of a dealer specializing in tube equipment could help my local shops are just not very tube friendly.

Also for those reply's suggesting a new speaker to audition I am ALL EARS. I will be upgrading in 2015 keeping in mind I have owned the B&W 803s, 804s, and 805s and have a $6K budget new or used. I will be heading out to the next RMAF and hope to expand my sonic expectations there. I'm looking for a floor standing "British Sound" speaker I guess suited to Jazz and Vintage Rock predominantly listening to Redbook CDs.

Much appreciate any insight along these lines.
This is easy - British sound, $6K budget new/used, for jazz & vintage the best pair of Proacs you can find & afford. If you end up staying with solid state, you'll be great. If you end up going tubes, the Proacs will kiss you on the lips.

I've walked a similar path as you...moving up the B&W line, solid state to tubes, exploring new "British sound" frontiers, and I don't think many people would dispute a Proac recommendation at your budget.

(I'd also tell you to look at Wilson Benesch - I have a pair of Arcs and love them just as much as my Proacs, but at your budget it may be harder to find a pair of floor standers. But either way, Proac or WB, I think you'd end up happy, again just from my own experience which sounds similar to yours)
My suggestion;
find a solid-state power amp to mate w/ the Conrad Johnson Et-3 SE pre-amp. Keep us posted and happy listening!
The CJ ET-3 SE looks like a definite option here. Any suggestions on power amps in the $2K-$3K range would be appreciated that match up best with this preamp.

Would my Anthem A2 be suitable until I could find an alternative without clouding the sound of the ET-3SE?

Thanks making some progress on all fronts I think.