Upgrade-itus: Classé DR-9 vs. MF A3.2?

Hello Audiogon and your infinite wisdom.
I have the option to buy a Classé DR-9 to replace my MF A3.2 integrated. The MF IS 185w @ 4 ohms the Classé 200w @ 4 ohms. I'm driving Dynaudio Contour S1.4 monitors.

Thoughts? I'm sure both are good, what will the sound differences be? Dynamics, hi, lo, sound stage, warmth?

For the short term the A3.2 will be pre-amp.
The DR-9 is older, but considered a classic high current amp. I guess you would have to consider the condition of the innards. I haven't heard either, but I know the Classe was well loved in its day.
Can't speak re the A3.2, but have used the A3 in my "workout" basement system for a few years. IMO, it is a decent integrated, but nothing more. The DR-9 is a classic as Roxy says. It will be a significant step up in performance in every area that you mention. Be careful of aging parts. Personally, I don't think they are in the same league.
Hey Z - the first rule of being an audiophile is never to let the fact that you've never heard something get in the way of your opinion. The sooner you learn that, the better off you'll be.