Upgrade-itus: Classé DR-9 vs. MF A3.2?

Hello Audiogon and your infinite wisdom.
I have the option to buy a Classé DR-9 to replace my MF A3.2 integrated. The MF IS 185w @ 4 ohms the Classé 200w @ 4 ohms. I'm driving Dynaudio Contour S1.4 monitors.

Thoughts? I'm sure both are good, what will the sound differences be? Dynamics, hi, lo, sound stage, warmth?

For the short term the A3.2 will be pre-amp.
I have heard the DR-9 many times (for all you too-quick-to-judge doubting-
Thomas'). A close friend owned the DR-9 during the same time period of
about eight years that both he and I owned the DR-6 preamp (another
classic). During that time I owned, and used with the DR-6, Moscode 600,
Berning 2101, and Krell KSA50. It was part of our listening
"parties" to bring to each other's homes a component to trade
for a few days. The DR-9 lived in my system three times, each for at least
a week; I also heard it in his system numerous times. The Classe was in
an entirely different league (better) than the Moscode, I preferred it to the
Krell since it sounded less hi-fi (the Krell was very very good in a fun hi-fi
way), and comparisons to the Berning are kind of pointless since the
Berning, in spite of being the least "tubey" amp that I have ever
owned, still had all the great attributes of tubes. In my system these amps
drove heavily modified MGIIIA's and in my friend's it was Shahinians. So,
does that qualify my to "having heard the Classe?

The Classe was a great amp; for solid state. I love tube amps and the
Classe is one of two ss amps that I have heard in one of my systems that I
could live with; the other was the Levinson 23.5. Unless the MF A3.1 has
seen a miraculous transformation from the sound of the A3, if what you are
looking for is finesse, natural sense of aliveness, and natural timbre, IMO
the two are not close.
"07-26-14: Roxy54
I said I had not heard either."

I know. I didn't mean to include you in my comment. It was an oversight on my part.
I suppose I should practice what I preach and not make this comment, but I think it's important to point this out (speaking of "rules"):

Eight responses from four respondents; and only two respondents and three responses that actually address the OP's question and have anything substantive to offer.
It's not school here, just casual chat. Sometimes the thread really goes off the rail, but I have seen times when the little bit of nothing that I posted was the only response that the OP received.
Just now I'm wiping a tear away recalling the one that got away. I'm thinking about that beautiful blond from my youth, more I'm reminiscing about selling my old DR-9. I have not heard the MF A3.2 integrated but I have never heard any integrated that had the tone, texture and transparency of DR-9 of course with the caveat of having a first class preamp in front of it. My only concern regarding a twenty plus year old solid state amp would be servicing and the aging parts inside that might not be available . If David Reich was still designing an amplifier today, I would be in line to buy one. Come to think about it, anyone know where he is today?