What is the best....?

What is the best....?
I have it on good authority that:
There is no definitive "best" of anything. There are way too many variables involved. The "best" you can hope for is to find something that works well in your system. You can then say it's the "best" for you until you find something you think is better !!!!

Best(!) regards,
-- Al
Well pard I am glad you asked. It has got me thinking. My two seconds of thinking is up. T. that is a great question hopefully it will quell all those silly questions i.e what is the best wood to look at while you are listening to Brahms, what is the best ear cleaner, what is the best after a hard day of scrabble- should I use tubes or ss, what is the best- to ionize my air or use electronic air cleaner or have a maid come in spray the air with fabreeze, what is the best style of socks to wear when you are listening to Richard Thompson, what is the best outer jacket to have on my power cord in my system. Sorry I have A.D.D. so I can't help you anymore.
Al...you beat me to it. :-)

But there is always this little ditty from our OP:

"Sorry to sound like a broken record but "Best" is in the eye/ear of the beholder. There is no definitive "best" anything, it's all subjective. When you ask a question like this, the answers will always be what folks think is "best" to them in their system."
To have your own words used against you!! Are there no limits, or standards of conduct on this site!!!
...to see your enemies driven before you, and hear the lemantation of their women.