Krell New Pre-amps?

Hi, has any one auditioned or own any of the new Krell pre-amps?, if so, How does the best from krell stack up against The krell KRC-HR and KCT, and anything else Krell has ever made for pre-amps?, also, what is the favorite Krell pre-amp of all time?, Thankyou to all, I thought this may be an interesting subject for everyone to chime in on, cheers.
"I concur. I have found it much easier to find an amp or even speakers that I can live with than a preamplifier. When you find the right preamp your whole system comes to life. That is why I consider the preamp to be the heart and soul of the system."

I agree with you Jmcgrogan2! The pre-amp is the heart and soul of the system. A great pre-amp can make your music reproduction sound more vibrant, more 3 dimensional, more alive. For some reason, pre-amps do not seem to get as much attention as power amps, front end products or even cables and interconnects. I don't understand why that is the case.
I am curious, what did Patrick say about Evo 2, Evo 202, Phantom and Evo 707 pre-amps?
Hi Mat, Patrick said, the Evo 2 was one thing, however, I could not believe why he said that EVO 202,Phantom, 707 sounded to close to matter to him for two channel, you do not think he gave up on caring about this stuff do you< he told me he has no system anymore, he also knows I'm a musician, so he told me of the 14 guitars and marshall tube stack amp and cabinets with 8 12"s!, hey, nothing wrong with that at all, he has the real deal.
I am sorry matjet, days later with all that i have going on, I realized I made a mistake here, My last post was about Ray mulchler the service manager there at krell, Not patrick, it's ray that is the musician with all the guitars that gave me his opinion on the krell pre-amps, opps!
"I believe you can get far more performance out of what you have with better cables, if you have questions on what I am getting at, just ask, I am not a dealer, nor do I work for any audio company, my interconnect is balanced,"

O.K. my friend, please make your cable recommendations (including interconnects, speaker cable, power cords). My speakers are B&W 802D (front R/L), B&W HTM2D (center), B&W Nautilus 805 SCM-1 (surround R/L). Two Paradigm Signature Sub 25's. The subs are used only for home theater (t.v./movies), not music. I only use front R/L speakers for music. All amps have their own 20 amp dedicated line with hospital grade outlets. You know the electronics.