Krell New Pre-amps?

Hi, has any one auditioned or own any of the new Krell pre-amps?, if so, How does the best from krell stack up against The krell KRC-HR and KCT, and anything else Krell has ever made for pre-amps?, also, what is the favorite Krell pre-amp of all time?, Thankyou to all, I thought this may be an interesting subject for everyone to chime in on, cheers.
Speaking of cable for Krell equipment:
I never asked Patrick, or anyone else at Krell what speaker cable they recommend with Krell equipment. But, if you look at their cable choice at shows, that should be a good indication of what they think works best. They typically use (or have used in the past) high end Nordost speaker cable and Krell Cast MMF interconnects with their high end products. I would think they would choose the cable that makes their equipment sound it's best.
when johnathan Scull did a review of Tara labs model, The one, back many years ago in 1996, The whole damn sterophile magazine at the time gave the system he reviewed best for that year, BTW, The equipment used was the krell FPB 600, Krell ETC.., I have mated krell and Tara labs My whole life!, that year, The tara labs, The One, was the top model of cables from tara labs at that time, cheers.
09-03-14: Audiolabyrinth
Thankyou Knghifi, Have you listened to the EVO 202, The Phantom, The reference 707 proccesor, or the Evo 2 pre-amps, These are said to be light years better than the pre-amps you have mentioned, that is funny you said that about the Transparent speaker cables on krell equipment, I have been told the same for years!
My local BM Krell dealer is long gone so no plans demo new Krells.

09-03-14: Matjet
Speaking of cable for Krell equipment:
I never asked Patrick, or anyone else at Krell what speaker cable they recommend with Krell equipment. But, if you look at their cable choice at shows, that should be a good indication of what they think works best. They typically use (or have used in the past) high end Nordost speaker cable and Krell Cast MMF interconnects with their high end products. I would think they would choose the cable that makes their equipment sound it's best.
If Krell works with Nordost, I guess they changed their sound. I tried Nordost IC and SC with FPB600 and it was horrible. Bright, thin, brittle ...
I am responding to your email message on the Audiogon forum rather than directly by email because I would like to hear what other members have to say about my opinion on this topic.

Unlike pre-amps, power amps, front end, and speakers, all of which can have a very large and obvious impact on sound, I have found speaker cables, interconnects and power cords to have a much more subtle impact on sound quality. Rather than spend enormous amounts of money (tens of thousands of dollars) on cable, I think that kind money is better spent on better electronics and speakers. For example, if I were to spend tens of thousands of dollars on my set up, I would rather upgrade my speakers to high end Vivid Audio Speakers rather than upgrade my cable. I think the sound quality improvement would far more substantial by upgrading the speakers. Under the circumstances, it is very tough to justify spending all that money on cable.
Matjet, If your statement had any realality to it, there would be no such thing as cables that are world class, there would be no need for them!, In the real world scheme of things, those that own such cables hear a huge performance difference, yes of course you would to have atleast good speakers and componets, but there it ends, I can take an average priced very good sounding system, insert incredible performance cables and out perform alot costly speakers and componets, hands Down, no problem, I have been doing this in audio stores for years, watching them go from laughing to nearly crying when I snatch their money out of there hand from a bet they lost!