Krell New Pre-amps?

Hi, has any one auditioned or own any of the new Krell pre-amps?, if so, How does the best from krell stack up against The krell KRC-HR and KCT, and anything else Krell has ever made for pre-amps?, also, what is the favorite Krell pre-amp of all time?, Thankyou to all, I thought this may be an interesting subject for everyone to chime in on, cheers.
I am very happy with my bi-wired Kimber Kable loud speaker speaker cable KS 3033 (6 ft length). It is excellent, well designed speaker cable. I appreciate your recommendation and effort to help me improve my set-up, however, I highly doubt the Tara labs cable that you have recommended would significantly improve the performance of my equipment.
Hi joecasey, The JBL-L7 speakers are fine, They make me and my family Happy here, I have looked at some new speakers, However, I do dont care to spend in the excess of over $20,000.00 on speakers at this time, I believe most so called High-end speakers are over-priced and over-Rated, I remember when I listen the the original wilson audio Grand slams, took pictures with them, they were around $80,000.00 at the time, Huge fricken speakers, Joe, They did not impress me with their sound at all!, The cabinets did and the workmanship of the speakers, but that was all, I also can tell you about listening to one of the speakers that I do like, The Avalon Edilon speakers, wonderfull sound stage and imaging, one of the best I have heard!, I did not care for the spectral equipment that was being used on the speakers, or the smeared sound of the MIT cables!, I put an FPB 600 on these speakers and the Tara labs The one cables on the speakers, kept the spectral digital set-up on the system, which did sound good, and wala!, was alot better in sound!, However, The Avalon Edilons could not be helped in the bass department!, played the Avalon Edilons at a above average listening level, and whoe and behold, The Mid-range driver Blew!, I could not believe this, all this happened at progressive audio in Columbus, Ohio when I use to travel and give seminairs on Resonance control and manipulation, Joe, I have seen all kinds of speakers, I understand that their is alot better than what I have, But at what crazy cost are we talking about here?, I am interested in the JBL Everest DD-66000 speakers or the JBL Everest DD67000 speakers, look at that price tag!, another speaker that has caught my interest is the Rhaidho speakers that are out now, never listened to a pair, have you?, there is a few speakers that I do need to go out and listen to, I am very finiky and picky about speakers, there a;ways seems to be something missing in the sound or reliability of power levels of playback, but you are correct, I do need to go and atleast check some out, Happy Listening Joecasey.
No Problem Matjet, you can believe that if you want to, I know the Kimber KS-3033 speaker cables are not as good as my recommendation for you, you have a great system, This hobby does take alot of money, if you enjoy your cables, I would not spend the money either, I enjoy your knowledge of Krell, and want to continue talking with you, we can move on to other topics that is not cables, like the topic of this thread, but remeber, Top models of Tara Labs cables will significantly improve your system!
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John, I do not know, however, I just sent him a private message on his sales site asking him who he is?, thankyou for bringing that to my attention.