Dan D 'Agostino, Mark Levinson, Jim Thiel,

What happens to the sound, quality and everything else to the products of a company when the founder leaves? Do the original companies sustain their lustre they had in their heyday under the founder?

Dan D 'Agostino (Krell), Mark Levinson, Jim Thiel, Arnie Nudell (Inffinity) and Bob Carver(Carver Corp & Sunfire) left companies they founded to be run by others. Can you name any others that left to start up elsewhere? How did their old companies fare after they left?
Surprised that I think Carver is an annoying freak? I might be the only one who feels this way, but he seems insane.
I saw and heard the Carver Amazings in 1988. I was smitten by them. I had heard the Magnepans back then, DCM Time Windows and other cone speakers. They didn't impress me. The Carver speakers were not cheap but I gave up the cash for them gladly. I enjoyed them for 14 years. I upgraded to the one piece ribbons, upgraded wiring, crossover caps and bypassed the fuses. My audiophile buddies liked them too. They were fast, but didn't have the tight bass like a cone speaker. The problem was after being used to the fast ribbons, cone speakers sounded like two boxes. Not until I heard my buddies' Thiels could I consider a cone box speaker. They are fast.

People in audiophile circles seem to bash Carver products so much that I didn't feel like I had a real stereo. So I finally switched to a pair of Thiels. Notice I didn't say upgrade. I was pretty bummed that once going to the Thiels I spent significant $$$ upgrading the amp and wires just to get the Thiels to sound as good as the Carvers. Out of all of that I do like the bass better now. My wife liked the looks of the Carvers. It's been 12 years and she still reminds me how much she liked them.
Tonywinsc, Great post about the Carver amazing speakers!, also a very good read, as a matter of fact, I know where a mint pair is!, however, the cross overs are missing, I bet, Bob carver could accomadate a cross over that was better than the original, I know how to get tight good bass out of these, with todays technology, that would be an easy task but perhaps costly, in the end, these would make out to out-perform most over priced speakers of today, cheers.
Wolf_garcia...Bob Carver an annoying freak, a clown? The only thing that is annoying and clownish is your post. Have you owned his tube amps or speakers? Although his ads are often filled with hyperbole, his designs are sound, innovative, and reasonably priced by audiophile standards. Unlike most designers out there, he was trained as a physicist and have the ability to think outside the box. I've owned his 200 watt monoblock tube amps for the past 5 years without a single problem except for a signal tube failure which is not fault of the amp. It is one of the most dynamic, spacious, well imaging and tonally correct amp I've ever owned in 30 years in this hobby. And also the quietest tube amp I've ever owned, comparable to a top notch SS amp. His new speakers are innovative and I don't see an equivalent out there. In the midrange and lower frequences, it acts as an omnipolar true line source giving a spacious soundstage. The tweeters are forward firing line source and give very precise stable imaging. It can put out realistic concert level dynamics. I've heard the preproduction version and believe it has tremendous potential. And no, I do not work for Bob Carver.
BTW, Bob's new speaker will work just fine in a room 15' x 20', not the 5000 sq ft you claim. Who really seems to lack credibility here? You or Bob? He is one of few legendary designers who will actually talk to you on the phone and shoot the breeze with you about audio in general, not just about his products.