Pass Labs Xs preamplifier VS. XP-30

I understand their price difference is big. But I want to know their sonic difference.

BTW, I want to know if it is a good idea to use Xs preamp to match X.5 series power-amp.

Fianlly, any good reviews on Xs preamp?

Please advice. Thank you!
The Anthony Cordesman TAS review compares the XS to XP-30.
He concludes its better.
But in my reading of the review, it seems you're paying a lot of $'s for that last 1% of improvement.

let's just say that I am a believer (no pun) in the Pass brand. Earlier this year I had the pleasure of spending some time w/ the XP-20 pre amp. It is hard to imagine anything better the XP-30 or Xs...whichever model you choose you will be rewarded in pure bliss.
Keep us posted and happy listening!