Class A vs. AB vs. D... can you hear a difference?

All things remaining constant is there an audible difference?

I do not mean tube vs. Solid state.

All solid state.

Some Class A amps go to class AB after so many watts... is there an audible change?

I ask because I have a class AB amp and was thinking about going to a class D set up front for home theater


Bill, for the 6 and 7 channels, just effects, you don't really need another statement amp, but I'd use your 5 channel on the front channels for sure. You could get an Anthem MCA amp or even go to another brand I think. I'd suggest Parasound too, they are voiced similarly to Anthem I believe. Their Classic line would do a fine job, and of course the Halo line, depending on your preference/budget.
Still not convinced with the high frequencies of any class D I've heard, but I've only heard a handful. Could say the same about most tube amps I've heard. Still have concerns about AC pollution of SMPS but that has become universal.

Having a pair of Plinius that can switch from AB to A, which is close to "all other things being equal", I prefer A. However, I could easily live with AB if I didn't have the choice and be joyfully ignorant of the subtle difference.
To me there's a chance that a class D would differ too much with what the Statement amp is doing with the B&W's. Class A is too hot and getting 200 plus wpc would be pretty rare and expensive I think. No point in trying to re-invent the wheel here, stick with what is in the rest of the system, Bill.
There are newer designs of class A operation that does not put off so much heat, with the likes of fans,very low stand by power consumptions and etc.., me, I enjoy the Heat of pure class A operation in big class A older amps, keeps my family warm in the winter, and I appreciate the amp's value more, by thinking of the amp as a jet engine that blows the sound quality out the window with any other class of operation of amps, might not make sence, but I love it!