Cdxskier, I'm going to take a step back and take a different approach. First, welcome to the forum! Second, your comments indicate that you don't have any equipment yet so I'm going to assume that you are building a system.
When building a system, the conventional wisdom is to pick your speakers first; then an amp to match well with your speakers. The preamp will often be determined by your source or the "flavor" of sound you prefer.
It is from the perspective of this conventional wisdom that I am curious about your choice of speaker. The side firing woofers might be a source of some difficult acoustic issues in your room if you are trying to truly maximize the sound quality for stereo listening.
Clearly the best HT systems include timbre matched speakers all the way around. However, if multichannel is secondary to stereo, then I recommend finding the best left and right mains you can find within your budget. Spend your money on what is important to you, stereo. With some patience and research, you can fill in the center and surrounds without spending much.
If you have already heard several different speakers and have settled on the Triton Two because of their sound, then great. If not, please listen to a few other speakers if possible before you purchase. Given the MSRP price of $3K for a pair of Triton Twos, I think you should be able to find some excellent speakers for the same money, especially on the used market. Totem, Aerial, Silverline, Thiel, Harbeth, Spendor, PSB and Paradigm are brands who have some products with great performance to price value on the used market.
Finally, if you'd like more help with suggestions, provide some additional info with respect to budget, room dimensions, and source.