Need Preamp Pass XA60.5 and Dynaudio C1 mkII

Seriously need your input guys. I need a preamp to mate with my Pass XA60.5 and Dynaudio C1 MKII. Really need some ideas on preamp. My budget is about 6000, prefer used.

I'm hoping to bring my sound a little more forward presented with better imaging. I came from a old set of B&W 705 and that set had one of the best imaging I've ever heard.

Currently using a Rotel RA-1520 as preamp, so it needs to go. Must be fully balanced, I plan to run it in XLR config to bring out the best of the Pass. The only real preamp I heard was Simaudio, can't remember which model but was told its a lower end model (350p?). But really sounded amazing with my setup, but what else is out there?? Also if I do go with Simaudio, which one do you like? 740p? p7? p8?

Have anyone experience with this combo and a Classe CP-800? I listen to music on a computer also, so having a USB DAC is a bonus.

Thank you very much.
Perfect match is a Pass Pre like the XP-20. I have an XP-20 with a pair of xa-100.5's and it is a very satisfying combination. No DAC though but you can always add that ..

Pass pre-amp, XP-10 or XP-20. These are outstanding pieces.
Which cables/cords are you using in your system?
Keep me posted and happy listening!
Ayre sounds good with Pass amps. It will definitely fix your imaging problem.
Right now using cat cables silver king cats RCA. Will be changing them to XLR. How are the sound characteristics of the pass pres. I would really like more bass and slightly more forward presentation. The pass XA60.5 are kinda on the darker side of things, even with running silver cables. I'm sure just switching to XLR will fix a lot of things.