sub hookup question

I want to hook up a sub to a rega brio r but I want to use the pre amp on the rega, not connecting it through the speakers. Do I need a patch cord or something to do this? thanks for your help.
From the Preamp outs on the integrated amp plugged to the subwoofer L-R inputs via quality RCA interconnects.

I had a long custom pair made up for me by buying the quality low impedance cable with Neutrik Profi RCA connectors.

In my case these were REGA Couple IC clones .... Same KLOTZ cable bought from a distributor direct in Germany and the Neutrik RCA connectors (2 pairs) from the ads on Ebay

Highly recommended.
The Rega Brio R does NOT have preamp outputs. It does have a "record out", but that is not controlled with the volume control. It's a fixed output.

You could still use it, but would have to match the sub level with the Brio's volume control each time. If you purchased a sub with a remote that controls volume, that would be easier, but still would need to be matched each time.

Seems to me the best way with your setup is to use the speaker level for hook up.
so if I used the record out ,I would just have to control the volume from the sub each time? My problem is that my speakers are bi-wired so I dont know how I would hook up a sub using the speakers.
"So if I used the record out ,I would just have to control the volume from the sub each time?"

Yes. You would have to use the volume on the Brio R to the speakers, then match the sub's volume to that. So you would be using (2) volume controls in that scenario.

Just run another set of speaker cables from the Brio R to the subwoofer, not from the speakers to the sub, but from the Rega to the sub.

Depending on the sub, if the sub has both speaker level inputs and outputs, you could run the Rega into the sub, then run your current bi-wire cables from the sub back out to the speakers.