Audio as a hobby

The only problem with audio and music: it a very passive hobby. Of course you could ride a stationary bike or even have sex while listening to music . But then audio/music becomes sort of secondary. So the question, do any of you have an active, non-passive hobby that is the equal to audio/music??? Just curious, or all of you just couch potatoes???
I may be an amateur astronomer??? I never miss any eclipses, meteorite showers, etc. Yet, I do not own a telescope. I just enjoy it from eye level. Unfortunately, if I get any money, I'm quick to spend it on audio so there is none left for a telescope.
Lots of cyclists. Me too. I give another vote for CroMo steel. Good old Reynolds 531 ... comfy, light, stiff enough, repairable, lasts for years.
I think too many cyclists these days are carried away with gear. I always remember doing the time trials there would always be one older chap (50s) turn up on something that looked like a delivery bike, and then thoroughly trounce all of us young 'uns with our sleek racing machines.

As to Jla .. I think you're overlooking durability in aluminum and particularly carbon frames. Of course the pros don't ride steel. But the difference is that they don't have to buy their own bikes, and then ride them for 10 years, over crummy road surfaces, in traffic.

It's in the legs ... not the frame material at the amateur level.
Shubertmaniac, i've got an older Harley that i'm VERY slowly modifying / rebuilding. Also have an old Corvette Stingray that i'll probably end up rebuilding the motor on next year. Used to have 6 different "muscle cars" at one time. They ranged from turbo charged small blocks to 482" big blocks with Weber's on them. Not only can that stuff get expensive ( in terms of parts and storage ), it can literally kill you if you're not careful. Having that much power and not using it was too much of a temptation for me. You would not believe the amount of tickets that i had within about a 6 year time frame. It would make your head spin. My lawyer LOVED me to say the least and i was on a "bulk rate" program with him. Now i drive a 4 cylinder / 5 speed Tempo back and forth to work and still average about 2 tickets a year : ) Sean
Good to see other cyclists here. I do some sport racing on a SantaCruz Superlight. I also road ride two nights a week on a Cannondale R2000 with a small group, usually a quick thirty or so. I'm also an avid windsurfer and wave sailer. Any other boardheads in here? Audio is my winter sport.
I gotta get more of a life! Too busy at work and the constant moving/building (new homes) that seems to go with it. Love golf. Love to cook. Love single malts. The kids are pretty much gone, but I love to watch movies with my son when he's around. Altogether too sedentary. I used to fence (foil) and take Tae Kwon Do -- but that was a while back. What to do? What to do? I'll sit back and think on it for awhile. Does anybody have any ice?