Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help

Hi, really trying to find the best deal I can on a used integrated amp. My current set up is

Monitor Audio RX6 speakers
Oppo 105

Looking for a strong integrated that if I wish to upgrade my speakers will easily handle the change.

Looking at spending no more than $3,000 for a used example and would love some help. I stream most of my music through the Oppo instead of CD's and listen to a lot of Pink Floyd, Dave Matthews, Sting etc

Few choices i have outlined and really hard to be able to audition anything and would like it to match the speakers and Oppo well

Rega Elicit - R
Krell S550i
Hegel 200 or 300 if can afford (is the DAC much better than the 105)
Stello ai500
Saw a PLINIUS HAUTONGA Intergrated A but don't know too much about company.
Modwright 200

My room is around 15 x 15 with wood floors

Thanks in advance for help
I have both the H200 and H300 and have listened to both of them extensively. IMO, I don't think one neccesarily sounds better than the other but I do think they sound different. To me, and others, the 200 sounds warmer and a bit more subtle than the 300 which has a more forward, detailed sound. So I think it is a matter of taste. System is a MAC mini, Berkeley DAC 2, and Magico Mini II's Both of them drive the Mini II's quite well (can be challenging speakers to drive). My first experience with Hegel. Very impressed with their products. I have no experience with the others you mentioned.
Have you considered Pathos from Italy? It is both good sounding and stunning looking.
Some very good suggestions above, but recommendations would be much more targeted and meaningful if you told us what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you and/or what you would like to improve upon.
Thanks for all the helpful advice and recommendations. Good question from Soix, I guess my current set up sounds pretty good to me for the money. Currently running through a Rotel rmb1075 as amp to Oppo directly. Guess looking for more of an open sound stage, detail, separation in hearing instruments etc. However wanting an amp that will last year's and power much more difficult speakers if needed. Although only wanting 2 channel still want it to sound good with movies also. In relation to type of sound, my brother years ago had a real nice Linn set up. Obviously Linn cost more once you start added pre/power amps but always loved the way it sounded. Not sure if this helps answer any questions? My concern with an amp like Rega/Nad is it won't be a significant step up. Was asked earlier by someone why not buy new, well reason is I can get more for my money used.
Also forgot to mention the amp must be able to connect directly to Oppo XLR so can utilize DAC.