Looking for Tube Pre-Amp Recommendations

Just got a pair of Avalon Ascendants and have them mated with Sonic Frontiers Power 3 monoblocks and an old Conrad Johnson PV 12 pre-amp (will be upgrading my old Meridian 508 cd player too but want to settle on the pre-amp first).

Looking to upgrade the pre-amp as the Avalon's are either showing up the pre-amp and or it's just not a good fit (it worked well with my Thiel 6's). So, looking for a recommendation for a replacement tube pre-amp. I'm fine buying used. Don't want to spend more than $5,000.

Curious if anyone knows the newer CJ stuff? I liked their sound years ago and it worked with the Thiels but now curious if a better more recent CJ pre-amp (like the CT5) would mate well with the Avalon's? One person told me he didn't think it was a good fit (he thought the new CJ's were "pudgy" sounding and not quick and airy enough for the Avalon's).

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.
Eastern Electric Avant, under 2K .
Van Alstine Fet about 3K, very clear , read reviews.
I had the PV-12. As much as I like CJ, that preamp is a little too dull. Being that you have the Power 3's, it might make sense to go with something balanced. SF is a logical choice, but if you can't find one, an Aesthetix Calypso is a great choice. BAT would be worth looking into as well.
I have Thiel CS6's but are not currently in use and I used a Musical fidelity 308cr full function pre-amp with them. Before switching to my current speakers, B&W 801 s-3, the MF 308 tamed the CS6's brightness in listening room. The 308cr, which is no longer made, but shows up often here for sale is the keystone of my system, no matter which speaker's I am using. It has a nice high frequency roll off, which sweetens up the presentation. Equipment may come and go but the 308cr pre amp is for ever, well in my system any way. Good luck.
I 2nd ZD with the Aesthetix & BAT. I had a new CJ ET3SE which I liked but didn't love. Also a used Shindo Monbrison could be had for $5k and an Aurieges for even less.
If you are keen to introduce tubes in the preamp, I recommend: -

TRANSCENDENT Grounded Grid Preamp

You can buy it fully assembled from the master or really enjoy yourself and build it from kitset.
(Or perhaps even get your local tube guru to build it for you...)

Even if you fully load it with the very best components that money will buy, including: -
A quality stepped attenuator
A quality switch
Additional RCAs if you need more than 3 inputs
State-of-the-Art diodes, capacitors and resistors
NOS 12AU7 tubes
Teflon/Silver wiring
Vibration control feet
Custom-built face-plate
etc. etc. etc.
...I doubt you would spend more than $3k

This little amp is an absolute blinder, combining frequency extension at both ends (1 dB down from 5 Hz to 300 kHz!) with sizzling dynamics and that magic tube 'palpability' that we all love.

Did I mention that it is STONE DEAD QUIET?

The web is full of rave reviews... Check it out.


PS: I built mine in 2002 and still keep trying new upgrades to see how much more I can squeeze out of it!