Most enduring audio purchase

What has stuck with you through thick and thin, through upgrades, and through downsizing?

For me it's easy- bought in 1985, used frequently, works perfectly- my Zerostat!

I'm on my 5th set of speakers since then, been through 4 amps and on my 2nd integrated, 6th CD player, 3 tuners, 3rd turntable, 6th cartridge, 5 preamps, 2 phono pres, 5 headphones ( and I adore my current headphones & headphone amp combo) but my Zerostat (red) rocks!
Verity Audio Parsifals, new in 2003. Upgraded the isolation with the ovation divider and Stillpoint feet. Still love the speakers.
My Berning zh270, it sounds better than ever which is to say that as I have refined and fine tuned over the years it continues to be the strongest component I have and without any question the best purchase I've made in audio. Kudos to David Berning. Aside from that I still own a pair of McIntosh MC-60s that I purchased in 1989 that I don't use. Enduring in that I don't want to part with them just yet!
Celestion SL700 - bought in 2000 for a NYC apartment and now in use in my bedroom in DC.
I bought both the same year, the rest of the system has, and continues, to evolve as I see fit Linn Lingo LP12 and my Spendor S100's have been with me since 1990!