Most enduring audio purchase

What has stuck with you through thick and thin, through upgrades, and through downsizing?

For me it's easy- bought in 1985, used frequently, works perfectly- my Zerostat!

I'm on my 5th set of speakers since then, been through 4 amps and on my 2nd integrated, 6th CD player, 3 tuners, 3rd turntable, 6th cartridge, 5 preamps, 2 phono pres, 5 headphones ( and I adore my current headphones & headphone amp combo) but my Zerostat (red) rocks!
Celestion SL700 - bought in 2000 for a NYC apartment and now in use in my bedroom in DC.
I bought both the same year, the rest of the system has, and continues, to evolve as I see fit Linn Lingo LP12 and my Spendor S100's have been with me since 1990!
Equipment owned for 29 years -
Marantz 7 tube preamp
Eminent Technology ET2 tonearm
MIT750 Shotgun speaker cable

Equipment owned for 25 years -
Final Audio Labs VTT1 turntable
Dynavector 501
Dynavector Karat Nova 13D

Final Audio Labs VTT1 turntable blows away my Platine Verdier and everything else I've tried. Will never be sold.
Marantz 7 (modded) has blown away my Jadis & Klyne System 7 preamps and will never be sold ( I own 2 of them ).

Other vintage equipment staying in the house :
Tannoy GRF Professional speakers
Tannoy Belvedere Senior speakers
Thiel CS6 speakers. For the past ten years, these have been with me and I have absolutely no inclination to make a change or upgrade.