32" television

The largest television I can fit in my 9'x13' bedroom is a 32" and I would appreciate recommendations for the set that has the best picture quality. The room is not bright and I often watch sports. Thank you.
I bought my Sony 34" Wega (flatscreen) in 2006. The last great Sony CRT. She's a behemoth but I'm old enough to remember when ALL TV's weren't able to be carried around like a large laptop. The Sony's in my bedroom and the high def picture easily betters my 50" plasma.
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Any CRT has at max 410 lines of resolution.
Elizabeth, that's for standard definition CRTs. My Sony KD-30XS955 CRT-based high definition TV falls into the category that is referred to in this Wikipedia writeup as "Super Fine Pitch," which has a theoretical vertical resolution of 1080 lines.

I don't know precisely what it's actual measurable resolution would be, but I suspect it is likely to be upwards of 900 lines.

Best regards,
-- Al
And my 30" Loewe Planus does 480p and has a better picture than any LCD that's for sure. Too bad it's really only good for DVDs. It's a 16:9 form factor; not sure how much it weighs; maybe 100 lbs but it sure is bulky/clumsy. Anyone want it?
Best advice is buying a 42 inch Plasma. Plasma is still superior in every part you Judge a screen for. It is that simple! Read about it. In the US they are honnest to tell that plasma is better. The 42 inch Panasonic S60 is stunning and not that expensive. Google it and read it. I could not sell lcd to my customers cause of the many limitations it gives to the image. I only sell Panasonic and Samsung plasma.