Marantz AV7005 or Oppo 105

I'm considering two different paths to upgrade my hybrid home theater - 2 channel system. Either get a higher-end pre-pro like the marantz av7005, or an Oppo 105.

Here's what I currently have:
Marantz SR7001 receiver
Sony BDP S550 bluray
Marantz SA8004 sacd/dac
Logitech Squeezebox touch
Google chromecast
Cambridge Audio 840a V2 integrated amp

Speakers are:
Mains: B&W CM7
The rest are JBL Northridge series
E250 sub, EC35 center, and E10 surrounds

The main LR speakers are connected to the Cambridge, which acts as the power amp while using the receiver. SA8004 is connected analog to the Cambridge, and the 8004 also acts as the dac for the Logitech. Bluray and chromecast go in HDMI to the receiver.

If I went with the oppo upgrade, it would replace the 8004 and the Sony, whereas replacing the receiver with the prepro I could potentially get rid of the 8004 also and update the bluray with a SACD-compatible one.

My goals:
2 channel (no subwoofer) listening at the same or higher quality than the current 8004-Cambridge chain. I should say that I am VERY HAPPY with my current 2-channel setup.

Higher quality HT audio, either from the improved processing of a prepro, or of the Oppo.

Get my feet wet in multichannel audio. Currently my SACD listening is done in stereo only.

I listen to stereo classical music, and watch bluray movies, and stream netlfix et al through the chromecast.

Of course going with a prepro would necessitate the purchase of a 3-channel amp, most likely something like an Acurus, or possibly a very modest 2-channel for the surrounds and a beefier mono for the center. Or maybe even ditching the Cambridge all together if the 2 channel performance of the prepro is on par with it.
Do you know how many points of correction XT32 has that would directly correlate to the subwoofer? The lower the frequency, the close the points of correction have to be.
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I don't think you need to give up 2-channel analog if you use an Oppo 105. I'll be replacing a Cary Cinema 11a processor with a Parasound Halo JC-2 2-channel analog preamp. Stereo from the 105 will go through the JC-2, surround channels directly to the amps. The 105 performs most of the functions of a processor such as speaker configuration and so forth and provides volume control for its output. A Sony 5400ES and JC-3 phono stage will use the two balanced inputs of the JC-2, and the JC-2 will control their volume. You match the volume of stereo through the preamp to the surround channels using the noise the 105 generates and an SPL meter, and mark it. (A BP mod for the JC-2 provides unity gain for selected channels if you prefer.)

Yesterday I installed a Parasound Halo JC-2 analog stereo preamp in place of a Cary Cinema 11a. After a bit of adjusting to match the volume of the surrounds that go straight to the amps with that of the stereo that goes throughout he JC-2, I enjoyed superb 4.1 sound -- I don't use a center channel anymore. I'm now convinced you don't need to take the leap of faith Bob wrote about in his 11-13-13 post.

My own view would be to go for an XT32 enabled prepro or AVR. I switched out elaborate gear (ARC, Cary, Joule) in favor of Onkyo. Heresy! However, I'll never go back.

One more point to consider:

One of your stated goals was excellent 2 channel performance without the subwoofer. If your experience proves anything like mine, you'll (virtually) never take the subs off-line.

Good Luck.
