A NIGHT SHIRT!!..that's a good one.
Well, it's prob inevitable that the 4K projector will be plentiful in the next couple of years, and at attractive prices. And, if they simply scale the ABUNDANCE of avail 1080p Bluray and 720 (Netflix/streaming) source material, with superb results, a great deal of us will likely get on board. Yes, a bright enough image on a large Studiotek 150 gain white screen, at 4K'ish rez, would probably be spectacular. While Im a proponent of large images, I do need quality over quantity. And, if the scaled 1080p discs all look better scaled to 4K faux, then I would look foreward to seeing how big I could get a pristine image for the wow factor, regardless of how little 4K watchable content is avail.
I don't, for the record, think there will be much, and prob next to none on disc form.