Help ref Oppo 105 with Marantz AV7005 set up

Hi. Really new to audio and would like some simple advice. Currently I have the following set up

Oppo 105
Marantz AV 7005
Rotel RMB 1075
Monitor Audio RX6
monitor audio radius 225 center
Linn 5110 gor rear speakers

Current problem i have connected Marantz to the Oppo 105 using 5.1 rca cables and HDMI cable and although sounds great am not utilizing DAC in Oppo 105. Is the sound i am generating the same as I would have with an Oppo 103?

Problem I have is both Oppo and Marantz have balanced inputs only. I purchased cable and realized mistake I had made as no balanced inputs.

Question is (1) With my current set up can I utilize the DAC? If dont use balanced input what can i do? Can i go another route? Obviously want to get best sound possible.
Can i get my Marantz updated to include balanced inputs instead of having to sell my existing av receiver?
(2) Do i need to change my Marantz AV receiver? What do you recommend but it has to handle both movie and for music. However a used Marantz AV 8801 has balanced inputs but cost used over $2000. Would it not sound better with spending money on better speakers. If so any recommendations for a suitable AV receiver?

My room is 15 by 15, wood floors. Use system a lot for streaming, 60% music and 40% movies.

Thanks in advance
Sorry for the snark. I didn't bother trying the stock 105, before
sending it to Dan Wright, in direct/passive mode. I had done this
(several attempts with different passive linestages) with my BDP-83SE
and found it sounded exactly that way. I figured the 105 wouldn't be
that different, but then I've never found a CD player that didn't benefit
from an active linestage. They probably exist. I just haven't heard

BTW, the Modwright mod is well worth the cost, to me at least, which
is twice what the stock 105 cost.

EDIT; A friend brought over his stock 105 last weekend and we
confirmed it.
Dopogue, I think I prefer the sound of my 105 through my Parasound JC-2, but it's a close call. The JC-2 seems to take just a bit of edge off the 105, making it sound smoother and more elegant. But, of course, that means the JC-2 colors the sound in a way I prefer. My other sources are a Sony XA5400ES and a JC-3 phono stage (Thorens TD 124, SME Series III, Ortofon SME 30H).

I switched from balanced to single ended because I use unbalanced KEF KUBE's with my 107/2 mains and 102 surround. The Jensen ISO-MAX transformers I used to go through the XLR-SE transition added too much clutter, given that noise remained inaudible with the SE cables I got from LA Pro Audio.


I second Dbphd's suggestion that you sell your Marantz 7705 and run all Oppo outputs direct to your Rotel. I found I liked the sound of my system better, for both ht and 2-ch music, once I eliminated both my Parasound AV2500 preamp/processor and my VTL 2-ch preamp. I use the 'Dedicated Stereo' xlr outputs to go direct to my front L+R front channel amp and the rca surround outputs direct to my surround amps.

If you're unsure, just try your system with and without the 7705 and let your ears decide. The direct method will be very neutral and without coloration which may or may not be to your liking.

The only reason you may not want to use this method is if you have multiple sources since the Oppo has very limited inputs.

Typically in audio the simplest, shortest and most direct signal chain is preferred and will tend to sound the best.
There is a flaw in the observation made in my 4-26-14 post. The output of the JC-2 preamp goes through the KEF KUBE, whereas direct from the 105 does not. The KEF Reference 107/2s were designed to be used with the KUBE. My observation about taking the edge off may be more likely attributed to KUBE/no KUBE rather that preamp/direct.

If you read John Atkinsons report in music in the round .He reviewed and tested the Marantz AV 7005 and found that the signal to noise ratio was about 5 db better using RCA cables in lieu of XLRs . I have the 7005 and found that by switching from xor cables to rya cables gave me at least 3 db more volume.