Home Theater IMAX Experience w/ A Robinson-Youtube

Anyone see this tutorial/educational viedeo series on Youtube? Home Theater writer Andrew Robinson has a series of Youtube videos on the subjects of home theater and IMAX Home Theater, where he discusses his opinions, experiences, and recommendations on home theater, HT theory and design, construction ideas, equipment, IMAX experience, technology, and so forth?
Looking for input on what others think of the series, the expressed opinions and suggestions vs your personal opinions, experiences, and competing advice on doing dedicated home theater?
I do find some of his recommendations interesting, but most of the time he demonstrates and suggests that all of this is, ultimately, "left up to your ideas, choices, and interpretations as what choices you make, equipment options and choices you chose for IMAX type of results"!!! Well I find issue with that, and don't agree with many of his opinions, choices, applications, suggestions, and recommendations, personally! Leads people to just do WHATEVER, and expect their dedicated home theater will be as good as anything, or "close enough" to high performance, IMO.
For example: in the IMAX series, he suggests that, since you can do an "inspired" IMAX system, you can pretty much just chose any type of loud speakers you have laying around the house, and they will work just fine!. Also, you can sit as far back and or as close as you like to the screen, and even forgoes the acoustics, from what I could tell!
Criderfive, I see you didn't say that you appreciated any of my points of view. Ouch!..that hurts!!

THAT'S IT!!- my $4000 Audio/Video Calibration tool, is now going up for sale on Ebay! After all, no need to measure frequency response or color temperatures of displays - and other meaningless stuff like that - if none of that really matters anyway (or anyone cares, or can really tell the difference, when it's all said and done), right?!

Oh man..I must be in the wrong business.

Well, I tried to be nice and look at what it got me; another list! I was going to say that if you didn't fully understand my point, read Criderfive's last post. He just lays it all out extremely well. I won't speak for him, but I don't think he was siding with me and not you. If that's what you took away, I believe you missed the point. Again. As for your lists, I'm really at a loss for words. You're creating responses to fictional statements. You really need to get a grip on reality. Its a good thing people can't read minds. If they could read yours, Barnes and Noble would go out of business.
"As for your lists, I'm really at a loss for words. You're creating responses to fictional statements" (Zd542)

Fictional statements? I'm not making responses to fictional statements. In fact, I'm not making any responses in regards to any statements! I'm mearly making EXAMPLES of what will be completely un addressed, and completely out of whack, when you simply follow the guidelines provided by the Imax Home Theater Experience by Andrew Robinson! No no..THAT'S TRUTH!
I Don't even need to argue this FACT!. I would take 100 out of 100 test guinea pig Imax Theater Wanna Be attempts from this post, go and take my handy dandy $4k meter over, and pretty much nail all the points I listed, to their failings!
That, my argumentative conversing co-horts, IS FACT!!!
So now it's just a matter of whether anyone actually care's about hi-fidelity accurate sound quality or a quality projected image?! If not, we can argue till the cows come home, and you still are listening to and viewing a distorted image and low fidelity distorted sound reproduction. Period...end of your banter...non-debatable, ..just your own view points, after that. Cause they all ended up with nothing special to be proud of...if descent, period. Weeeeeeeeeee!!!! Dunno what else ta tell ya.