Which pre/pro under 3k?

Hi All,

I recently purchased a new Panasonic plasma (VT60).

To get the most out of it I need to connect to a processor via HDMI. I have an Arcam AV8 that has no HDMI switching/audio. So, I'm planning to replace the Arcam with a pre/pro. The question I need help with is, which pre/pro?

My current system is:
Amp: Bel Canto 500s (250 watts into 8 ohms)
Speakers: Ohm 100 S3 (6 ohms)
CD/DVD: Arcam FMJDV139 (to be replaced by an Oppo 103 or 105)
Synergistic Research IC's and cables

My budget for a pre/pro is $3,000 and 'used' is fine.

I use the system for 50% 2CH and 50% HT.

Thanks in advance for your pre/pro recommendations.
Avgoround's passive box is why I suggest if OP's source is an Oppo BDP-105 he skip the processor and preamp and connect the Oppo directly to the amp. What's a preamp going to do for the analog stereo output of the Oppo? At most it could color it in some way that might be pleasing to the listener. If there are other analog stereo sources, that suggests a preamp for switching among them.

Of course, there are no free lunches...and, in a perfect world, there would be no need for preamps, all together, perhaps!???
I know this is thread about "which pre/pro...", so pardon the blip in the thread. ..But I find the problem with the only passive route ,for 2 ch, (believe me, I've tried it MANY a time, either direct out of a dvd or cd analog-out source with integrated internal volume and passive pre both) is you often lose on the dynamics and presence side of things! In this case, you're relying strictly on the ananlog output devices and buffer stages, etc, to give you your "gain" - which an active preamp most always does better, in my experience. And, while the passive route is sometimes a great choice, depending, perhaps, on system matching - or even the types of source material one finds themselves using - there are simply too many attractively priced used quality preamps out there on the market (tube or solid state0, that offer the slam and dynamics that a good active pre can offer, while still offering that very clear, detailed, large soundstaging neutral kinda sound which audiophiles crave! In fact, the very very best are about at transparent sounding as any passive setup!
Again..sorry about the diversion here on the thread..although we are considering the 2 ch side of things for your music duties, yes??? Otherwise..My bad!. hehehe..
I sold Marantz for a long time. And tested many as well. It is still a 2 dimensional brand. Bel Canto and Oppo both can give depth. You would be a fool to buy a 2 dimensional pre amp. The Onkyo 5509 and Integra 80.3 both can give a wide and deep stage. But they also both give a much better individual physical image compared to Marantz.

When I sold Monitor Audio speakers, it is quite easy to outperform a Marantz amp. The Onkyo/Integra will win wiht a much more 3 dimensional image.

Comparing makes audio a lot more easy to understand!!

They both are prepared for Audyssey pro. They both can give an even higher endresult.
Thanks for your ideas and recommendations. Based in part on them, I'm considering buying either
• a used Anthem D2V or a refurbished Arcam AV888 or,
• a used AVR; an Arcam 600 or Anthem 510/710 and using it as my pre/pro

Avgoround, nice way to hijack a thread! Just kidding. I'd love to pursue your suggestion to buy a 2-ch dedicated preamp and pair it with a used high-end pre/pro. But, current demands of work, travel and family, don't allow me the time for the experimentation and research required for good system matching with 2 new components, possibly made by 2 new, and/or different manufacturers. Which probably means that I don't have the time to work with and learn the Audyssey feature of the Anthem pieces mentioned in my first paragraph.

As I've thought about this while considering all of your comments, I'm led to consider another piece of newer Arcam gear; my old AV8 has played well with my Bel Canto amp and my Ohms. Is it wrong to assume that a newer Arcam piece will have the same characteristics/sonic signature and, will play as well as my soon-to-be-retired Arcam AV8 with the rest of my system?