Which pre/pro under 3k?

Hi All,

I recently purchased a new Panasonic plasma (VT60).

To get the most out of it I need to connect to a processor via HDMI. I have an Arcam AV8 that has no HDMI switching/audio. So, I'm planning to replace the Arcam with a pre/pro. The question I need help with is, which pre/pro?

My current system is:
Amp: Bel Canto 500s (250 watts into 8 ohms)
Speakers: Ohm 100 S3 (6 ohms)
CD/DVD: Arcam FMJDV139 (to be replaced by an Oppo 103 or 105)
Synergistic Research IC's and cables

My budget for a pre/pro is $3,000 and 'used' is fine.

I use the system for 50% 2CH and 50% HT.

Thanks in advance for your pre/pro recommendations.
..on that suggestion, DO try the Oppo direct to the amp, n see what you get. Then, DO try substituting a class A or B Stereophile rated Preamp into your system, n compare. ...n then you'll know ..n then you can tell the rest of us what you came up with!? (Disclaimer: REGARDLESS of what all the Naysayers who believe that cables n wires make no difference, DO use recommended quality wires between your components! -this way, leaving variable of bad sound down to actual components being the cause..not the wires!)
Avgoround's suggestion of trying a preamp seems an expensive proposition if OP has buy it. The likelihood that an Oppo BDP-15 connected directly to the amps will prove satisfactory is so substantial the cost/value wouldn't seem to warrant the trial unless a preamp is available without purchase.

Yes DpPhd guy, a used high quality preamp is clearly TOO expensive to try (could also EEEAAASILY resell it if not.doh!)
for someone in market fer $3000 prepro!
Clearly,the man's obviously a penny pitcher with zero flexibility in his purchasing decisions, so why try something at all??!
what was I thinking? ..
Yes DpPhd guy . . .what was I thinking?.

Thanks for the clarification of your thinking, avgowrong geezer. I'll look into my Piled Higher and Deeper crystal balls and try to divine your meaning.
