moving on from Emotiva UMC-200 pre/processor

I like this Emotiva unit, but got it just before deciding to upgrade almost everything in my system. I can still return it tho and am now hoping to setup the two front channels as follows:

Thiel CS2.7 (or something just as transparent if I find it)
Amp to match the Thiels (Pass Labs x-150, Peachtree 220, suggestions?)

I realize it's a pretty open ended question, but can someone suggest other 7+ multi channel pre/processors to match the above hypothetical system?

Emotiva *finally* released their XMC-1 preprocessor. It lists for $1995. However, because you purchased a UMC-200, you are eligible for a 25% discount, making your cost $1495. There is nothing anywhere near that price that compares. Take a look here:

"Thiel CS2.7 (or something just as transparent if I find it)
Amp to match the Thiels (Pass Labs x-150, Peachtree 220, suggestions?)

I realize it's a pretty open ended question, but can someone suggest other 7+ multi channel pre/processors to match the above hypothetical system?"

I wouldn't do it this way. To be honest, its reckless. If you are looking to get a pair of cs2.7's (or similar), there's a lot to consider. Even more so that you'll be using them for HT. Its not a forgiving speaker and you really need to match the components for it very carefully. Given that, I wouldn't be too fast to use a HT preamp for 2 channel. It would probably be a better option to keep your Emotiva (I'm assuming it has a HT pass-through), and just get a good quality 2channel preamp. If you mess up with the preamp (for 2 channel), the system will never sound right, and you'll go nuts trying to fix it.

Take your time and listen to some components. Make sure you know what you want for your 2 channel setup, and then built the theater around that. Its much easier and you'll probably save a lot of money.
As much as I LOATH ZD542, I kinda concur. :-) If you're going "music speakers", and focusing on improving 2 ch, then you should go dedicated 2 ch amp/pre and maybe separate the two systems for maximum.
For one, the Theils 2.7's are gunna be too laid back to properly do justice to HT, in my opinion (I've had 3.6's 2.3's, MC1's, 1.5's and 2.3's in my systems over the years).
If I had to go Thiels for double duties, I'd probably lean the powered monitors they sell, or maybe 1.6's in passive.- you want more presence from your ht system, or you'll lean into the sound, which isn't thrilling or involving for proper HT, IME.
Still, I'd go dedicated movie speakers for the HT, if I could...maybe running a pair of your preferred 2 ch speakers in conjunction with looped in AV pre/pro (you're processor is likely fine), running a 5.1 ch dedicated HT monitor system and sub for movies.
I think this topic has be exhaustively covered over the years.