Totem model 1 with svs sb13 ultra or Forest


This is my first post on audiogon. I currently own a pair of totem model 1's (original not sig). I really like them but would like some more bass. I'm considering a couple of options. I'm thinking I could buy an SVS sb13 ultra (cost 1600) or I'm thinking I could sell the model 1's and get a used pair of totem forests (net cost after selling model 1's 1000). If I do this, I would really like to avoid buying a different amp. I currently have a Parasound 2250 which has more than enough current to drive the model 1's.

I live in a medium sized apartment but eventually (three years from now) will move to a larger place. My setup is in my living room which is 14 ft long and 12 ft wide. I listen to everything from country and indie to electronica and hip hop.

Your amp should drive the Mani's as well. Keep in mind however that all three Totem options you are (now) considering thrive on good electronics. I know you don't want to and you really don't have to, but an upgrade in amplification will be very rewarding with any of these three options.

Trying to keep your sanity in an insane hobby, well all I can say is welcome aboard :-).
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I've had both the ARROs and Forests in my prior systems.
There is a plethora of posts on A-GON, CanuckaudioMart, Pinkfish audio and elsewher,e about TOTEMs (particularly the Forests) requiring a lot os grunt to perform at their best.

My take:

(1) With your kit you should be OK.

(2) With the Forests, you will definitely not need a sub.