Vandersteen Treo's

Can anyone recommend an integrated amplifier for a reasonable price that would work well with Vandersteen treo's?
They are just the plain old 2C's circa 1986. I love them with the Unico SE b/c that amp has a somewhat forward/aggressive (and highly detailed)sound that brings the 2C's to life. Amazing match! I'm not sure I would like the Unico as much with the Treo's b/c from what I hear they are not as relaxed as the old 2C's. I would also like a system that I can leave on 24/7 for computer audio only. I am not comfortable doing that with the Unico (it's several years old, foreign,and has preamp tubes). As expensive as the Treo's are I think they will make a fantastic long-term investment (20 years?). Probably the same with an Ayre amp.
Still haven't made it down to AC, but hope to in the next two weeks. Johnny sold one of the Proacs already and now I just have to wait for the other two pair to sell along with all the other stuff and then I can get the Treo's. Loving my Music Hall DAC running balanced AQ Niagara into the Ayre. It's sounding even better and I only use a Marantz Blue Ray into the DAC. I'm amazed at how far thing have come in audio.
I really wanted to like this speaker. I have heard it now in 2 systems (Ayre and Aesthetix). To my ears, it is rolled off on the top octave (much like Wilson Audio speakers).
People used to hearing "hi-fi" speakers without first order crossovers, often perceive time-aligned speakers as "rolled-off". Look at the measurements by John Atkinson In Stereophile on the Vandy Treo & Quatros, and his discussion about allowing for the proper tilt back on such speakers in verifying the position of his microphone.
Thanks Oldears. That's what I was about to post. Way too often folks think rolled off isn't proper, but the problem is that too often 'extended' is just distortion or not real. Go listen live and then listen to the Vandy's and you'll be surprised I bet. I have heard live music and then the Vandy's within a 24hour period and THAT's what blew me away. I have heard the Focals (1028 BE) right after hearing live music and it didn't sound 'right'. They just were a bit sharp on the top end when hearing piano. First order speakers are different and that's why there are tons of other options. Heck the Proacs at John's sound pretty awesome. I am selling off two more pairs of Proacs (John just sold one set for me already and I'm sure the buyer will be VERY happy). I haven't seen the discussion on Stereophile, but I'm about to head over there now. thanks.