Vandersteen Treo's

Can anyone recommend an integrated amplifier for a reasonable price that would work well with Vandersteen treo's?

I heard both the Treo + Quattro w/ complete Ayre and Aesthetix set-ups. W/ the Ayre, the cabling was all Transparent. W/ The Aesthetix, the cabling was Silent Source and Signal Cable.

Strangely enough, both set-ups sounded (to my ears) precisely the same. One was not better than the other, I heard a slight roll-off in the upper octave as noted above.

Regarding the Quattro, I have read that its cross-over can be pretty problematic in any room- meaning- it must be set-up correctly by Richard's specs.
((I heard both the Treo + Quattro, the cabling was all Transparent))
Jafant I agree with what you heard.
Transparent cables offers a softer sound and are at their best with a brighter type tweeter.
With a Vandersteen a more neutral cable like an AudioQust would do the trick.
((Regarding the Quattro, I have read that its cross-over can be pretty problematic in any room- meaning- it must be set-up correctly by Richard's specs))

Jafant, Just the opposite,
Once you read the crossover set up protocol in owners manual,all one needs is vandersteen set up disc, a voltmeter,and you can be confident its done correctly.
Then room compensation offering a smoother in room bass response, which allows them to work well in most any room, in many positions, including 4 inches out from a wall.
This alone may even solve the problem with the spouse acceptance factor.
JohnnyR Vandersteen dealer
Johnny, thanks for the thoughts. I'm still working on trying to get back down next week with the rest of my gear to get ready to sell, lol. Life has been crazy lately. :)