I heard both the Treo + Quattro w/ complete Ayre and Aesthetix set-ups. W/ the Ayre, the cabling was all Transparent. W/ The Aesthetix, the cabling was Silent Source and Signal Cable.
Strangely enough, both set-ups sounded (to my ears) precisely the same. One was not better than the other, I heard a slight roll-off in the upper octave as noted above.
Regarding the Quattro, I have read that its cross-over can be pretty problematic in any room- meaning- it must be set-up correctly by Richard's specs.
I heard both the Treo + Quattro w/ complete Ayre and Aesthetix set-ups. W/ the Ayre, the cabling was all Transparent. W/ The Aesthetix, the cabling was Silent Source and Signal Cable.
Strangely enough, both set-ups sounded (to my ears) precisely the same. One was not better than the other, I heard a slight roll-off in the upper octave as noted above.
Regarding the Quattro, I have read that its cross-over can be pretty problematic in any room- meaning- it must be set-up correctly by Richard's specs.