Ben_Campell-Of course it was a generalization, perhaps a gross over statement, but you can't turn the radio on or VH1, MTV etc and much if any of what you are talking about. As some of you know I am a large Techno fan-so of course I listen to some new-"pop" music, though I don't consider much of the mass market techno to be good. For that matter I admitted to having purchased a Britney CD(she looked sooo cute!) so of course I have been dupped by advertising and over saturation of MTV, radio...etc. An interesting twist is XM radio which offers a lot more then radio or television does or ever has. To say NO good music is being produced is incorrect but how about very little and those who do produce good(to me and most of you people any way) tunes go unappreciated, the only possible exception on your list would be radiohead-but I believe most that listen to Radiohead don't know why they do, "its just different, man" So what ever floats your boat or sinks it :), there is something out there for everyone, maybe some people like critically listening to Britney, but it isn't for me. Though I am simply one younger person trying to represent all of us, which is a bad idea seeing as I find I am not by any means of the word a "typical" kid of today. It would be interesting if some more younger members would voice there opinion as well so it wouldn't be just me :) I could be wrong with my statements but this is how I see things. What about Bob Dylan's release last year, if someone was to call that bad, I think they have issues-the list could go on but that was the first to come to mind. Hope that sort of answers your query-I realise there are a lot of things I am not able to explain, but I'll do my best to defend my tasteless generation