Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
I enjoyed your above post. Some find it difficult to read things that fly in the face of what they believe. This is the basic problem with society in general. Facts don't matter, just opinions. To each their own. Fortunately, opinions don't change the out come. Keep reading and posting, maybe they will learn from you.
(These devices are unable to get rid of the real elephant on ones room, i.e. excited room modes - the most critical type of rezonance in one's system. Consequently, I am of the opinion that one should take care of those type or resonances first before starting to debate the benefits and superiority of various fine tuning devices.)

That's a fairly profound and perceptive statement. That is the reason why I worked with SS technology on designing a room with mechanically grounding in mind so as to "manage" room energies. The walls were treated with their proprietary technology and not viscoelastics from the 80s....:/

More information will be available with a formal system thread of mine and a subsequent review in the not too distant future....
Agear, I guess I've heard about your room from Star Sound. Apparently there will be others soon and I think I will get to hear them. Thus far I have never liked room treatments, although at first I can hear their impact. At some point, I hear their wrong sound and enjoy removing them.

I look forward to reading your description of the techniques and their impact.
Agear's room is not treated, no it is birthed from the ground up. I have heard his room and my voice has never sounded so wonderful. I had no idea I sounded so incredible! Simple conversation was startling and so alive. An experience I will never forget.

I know this about that room. I have no doubt a set of decent used $100 speakers and a receiver would sound better in his room than many high end systems in typical rooms. No joke fellow Aphiles. A revelation to be sure.
08-06-14: Tbg
Agear, I guess I've heard about your room from Star Sound. Apparently there will be others soon and I think I will get to hear them. Thus far I have never liked room treatments, although at first I can hear their impact. At some point, I hear their wrong sound and enjoy removing them.

I look forward to reading your description of the techniques and their impact.

I share those sentiments and thus the absence of "treatments" in my room. All the operative elements in my "energy room" are internal. IMO, standard paradigms of room treatment tend to be parasitic of ambient energy and thus lack the plausibility of a good auditory illusion. SS shared this sentiment and thus the reason we danced the dance with this crazy prototype of a room. It all started as idle daydreaming and chatter between Robert and myself over three years ago. I had audiophile friends telling me it was a crazy and expensive experiment. Indeed, but my intuition was correct and it worked.