Audio Points are currently in the 24TH year of production. The product has evolved over time in material science, machining techniques and finishing processes. In some cases, years of environmental exposure has darkened the cosmetic appearance of the brass.
Star Sound is constantly striving to improve the product. Should you have any Audio Points that have tarnished or discolored over time we will refinish them to the current product standards for a nominal cost. Upon return you will notice an improvement in performance as oxide or the tarnishing of brass slows the speed of resonance transfer on any brass part and limits sonic performance. We will not remove larger scratches or dents imposed from abuse.
Audio Points current packaging instructions contain this information:
No Brass Polishes EVER! The Trade Secret Star Sound finishing and brass bonding process assures years of sustained and natural brass cosmetic appearance, without oxidation. Store-bought brass polishes are abrasive and will destroy the finish, promoting oxidation that will certainly devastate the performance of the Audio Points, as well as any of the accessories. While competitors state that oxide establishes a natural patina look to the brass, the patina oxide produces is never a desirable effect for sound and performance efficiency. Tom..Star Sound Technologies.
Star Sound is constantly striving to improve the product. Should you have any Audio Points that have tarnished or discolored over time we will refinish them to the current product standards for a nominal cost. Upon return you will notice an improvement in performance as oxide or the tarnishing of brass slows the speed of resonance transfer on any brass part and limits sonic performance. We will not remove larger scratches or dents imposed from abuse.
Audio Points current packaging instructions contain this information:
No Brass Polishes EVER! The Trade Secret Star Sound finishing and brass bonding process assures years of sustained and natural brass cosmetic appearance, without oxidation. Store-bought brass polishes are abrasive and will destroy the finish, promoting oxidation that will certainly devastate the performance of the Audio Points, as well as any of the accessories. While competitors state that oxide establishes a natural patina look to the brass, the patina oxide produces is never a desirable effect for sound and performance efficiency. Tom..Star Sound Technologies.