KEF 104/2 T33 tweeter replacement

I would like opinions on the T33 tweeter replacements.
Ag insider logo xs@2x47ghibli
I used to own the KEF 104/2...killer speaker...

Are you having issues with your tweeter? Why not just go to KEF?

I agree with Jfrech, the 104/2 is one of the best speakers that I have had. No, not a perfect speaker, but it can be extremely musical and has a presentation that is better than speakers costing tons more. Talk with KEF, they are ( or once was) good to deal with.
Or, you could take two aspirin and bolt an Altec horn on top of it ;-)
There's a YouTube video on the replacement process, which takes some work. There's an eBay refurb service for the originals. The originals are no longer available.