Mixing Speaker Impedance?

I am considering purchasing either an onkyo pa-mc5501 or integra dta 70.1.

My question is that both of these power amps have a 4/6 impendance switch on the back of them. How will this effect my speaker setup if I am using speakers that have mixed ohms? My front L/R monitor audio RX8s are 4 ohms, my center gxc150 is 8 ohms, and my surrounds gx1 are 6 ohms.


in advance for any advice.
"08-28-13: Azag
Wont setting the amp to 4 ohms limit speakers with 8 ohm requirements?"

It shouldn't because you will be setting the volume levels for each speaker when you do the setup with your preamp. The only other question is to weather the amp has enough power do drive the speakers. MA is not a difficult speaker to drive. I can't imagine either of your 2 choices not working.