Why is Dynaudio so much cheaper in Europe?

I've been looking at some store sites for European Hi-Fi stores, and I'm finding that even after shipping, and duties, I would be saving a few thousand dollars on anything in the Dynaudio line. In fact, with the Dynaudio 380's I'm interested it, I would be saving about $3,000, which is huge. My question is two-fold: 1. Why are they so much cheaper in Europe? 2. Is there anything to beware of when purchasing speakers from the EU and having them shipped to the US?
Would one even bother giving their go-to dealer an opportunity to match the price, or is that just moot?
There's no simple answer to your question other than its a large item to ship and its a fragile item to ship. That costs tons of money. Each item is insured by the manufacturer.

It's not like a tooth brush made in China where you can dump tons of them into a container on a ship. These speakers are flown in and carefully handled. Can you imagine how few Dynaudio speakers are sold each day in the U.S. alone?

Dealers don't keep them in stock or at least mine doesn't. Who can afford to? So what happens? Does the distributor keep them in a warehouse or do they ship from the manufacturer? I can find out but I don't care.

Yes, the money savings could be substantial but I don't want to work around my local brick and mortar because he's my friend. You guys that are never happy (audiophiles) are the ones that have to worry about it. I'll keep gear for upwards of a decade and I have a nice store to work with. If I have an issue with my gear, I drive 10 miles and dump it off. It's not my problem.
I'd say because there's a middle man ie the distributor, instead of going from the factory direct to the dealer as the majority of audio products here in the US do. The distributor basically sets the price, and of course it's gonna be higher because he or she wants a big cut of the profits. Sorry if I stepped on any toes, but that's the way I see it.