Best Speakers You Have Ever Heard In Your Home

There is a post the question " The best speaker you have heard?" I wonder how many of you have owned that elusive " best speaker I have ever heard.
My best speakers are almost a tie between the dunlavy sc III's and soundlab M2's with the soundlabs being the better of the two.

I have heard good things about the Raidho speakers. Let us know how they do in " long listening sessions" . I am sure it will take a while to break them in.
The Raidho D1's as compared to the Dyn C1 Signature. Extremely clear and accurate sounding. Background is super black. Best separation of instruments and vocals I've ever heard. Imaging is pinpoint. The ribbon tweeter is super smooth. Plays really nice at all listening levels. Compared to the Dyn C1's the bass really drops off at 50hz where the Dyns were good to about 38hz. Dyns are a little more dynamic sounding. Speaker placemnet with the D1's is a lot more critical and require to be separated farther with lots of toe-in. I preferred the Dyns with very little to no toe-in. Not sure how many hrs are on the D1's but they were my dealers demos he got in late April and I have put about 60hrs on them. Haven't heard any change in sound (yet).
Without a doubt the pair I have. Going to audio stores from time to time an auditioning others, some very much more than what I have, has made me appreciate my purchase all the more, especially for the price.

Well back to more music.