Source Components, Genuinely Need Your Assistance


I currently own an excellent system that replays the source material incredibly faithful to the original recording. The system is exactly what I originally set out to accomplish.

Like many others, I set out to assemble a system that was supremely neutral and would replay the original recording truthfully.

My music collection is primarily R&B, Motown, Soul and Funk. Most of which was poorly recorded using standard/lower quality mediums & new music which was created primarily with the use of Digital Synthesizers. When listening to these recordings, voices and instruments do not sound 100% authentic. Its approximately 85% "real". Thing is I know its not going to get there simply because its not on the recording.

I know this because when I listen to any "audiophile" grade recordings, regardless of genre, my system sounds perfect. Simply perfect. I am completely satisfied.

I realize now, based on the types of music I listen to, I should have never ventured into this hobby as the recordings I listen to just can't do a high fidelity system much justice.

Now its simply too late, I am heavily invested and I want to enjoy my stereo with "non-audiophile approved" music.


I am looking for a new source component, DAC or CD Player that will "color" the sound to my tastes.

The midband must not overly emphasize vocals, but rather highlight them. Vocals should be completely organic, authentic, natural, realistic, believable, thick and enveloping. Budget $8000USD

So far I have found these favorable reviews:

Ancient Audio Lektor Prime
E.A.R. Yoshino Acute mk3
E.A.R. Yoshino DAC 192
E.A.R. Yoshino DAC4 (release coming soon?)
Vincent Audio CD-S8
Yamamoto YDA-01B

I'm looking for some assistance, preferably from members who have actually heard the components they are recommending or suggesting.

Once I have a solid list I will seek out the dealers and listen first hand, hopefully get some in home trials.

Any help is much appreciated.

Best regards,
Most of [my music collection] was poorly recorded using standard/lower quality mediums & new music which was created primarily with the use of Digital Synthesizers....

When I listen to any "audiophile" grade recordings, regardless of genre, my system sounds perfect. Simply perfect. I am completely satisfied....

I am looking for a new source component, DAC or CD Player that will "color" the sound to my tastes.
In the absence of information about your present system that may provide a contrary indication, my suspicion is that investing in an upgraded high quality source component will not sufficiently introduce the colorations and lack of neutrality that you are looking for.

Two suggestions:

1)Seconding Chayro's suggestion, consider replacing your speakers. A suitably chosen speaker replacement will likely provide much more of a change in the direction you are seeking than upgrading your source.

2)Consider spending about $1100 on a DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 Dual Core. Among many other functions, it includes a sophisticated 16-band parametric equalizer operating in the digital domain, which would allow you to tailor the sound in pretty much whatever manner you like. Given your stated goals, any reduction in transparency it may introduce, apart from equalization effects that you intentionally set, would be of no significance. And based on the accounts I have seen any such loss of transparency is considered by most to be minimal.

Here is a review in Stereophile by Kal Rubinson (Audiogon member KR4). (Scroll down past the first review on the page, which is of something else).

-- Al
+1 on the EQ idea. You can really tailor the sound to suit your tastes. FWIW, I happen to have a few old disco singles - Rapture (Blondie), Forget me Nots (Patrice Rushin), Feel the Need (Detroit Emeralds) and they sound real nice on my system. But they're never going to have the impact they would have on a pair of Klipshorns. You might consider the K-horns if you've got the right room, or a pair of LaScalas if you don't have the corners. But do try a good eq.
Shawn, I must chime in here. I read your post several times. Do not spend another dime, especially up to $8000, until we know more. I think what you are trying to do is frankly impossible with high end gear. Why spend another $8000 on another piece of high end gear that is a little colored or warm or whatever. It will not, in the end, give you what you are looking for.

All high end gear is rather true to the source and garbage in is garbage out even if the piece is somewhat off neutral. Bad records will always sound bad on any piece of gear or rig costing high end money. That is the simple fact and you cannot escape it in high end audio.

Changing a source will not do what you are looking for.

Please share your current system. You have some questions to answer before acting. What percentage of your music is poorly recorded? 80%?
Do you listen to poorly recorded music 80% of the time? If so, another complete direction is needed. Ya, sell your stuff and assemble a rig that gets you where you want. Frankly, a new high end source will not do it.

Almarg, is all over it. You need an EQ and you need a speaker that is friendly to what you want. My sense is such a speaker will not be your typical high end speaker. It may be pro sound or such.

Ever noticed how poor recordings sound decent on a Bose system or decent car stereo? Ya, this is the direction you need to go.

I have never answered a thread like this, I can't even believe I am writing this, but if I read your post correctly your case is different.
Speakers like Bose don't discriminate between recordings very well and that is a good thing for you as I read your post. Please add more information if your post has misled me. Old ADS speakers would work great and I am sure there are many others. Go to Midfi dealers and bring your bad recordings. Listen to many speakers with your selected recordings. Sure, they will be driving those speakers with big brand receivers, but you will quickly learn if the sound is more to your liking.