New to Audiogon. selling my whole system

EVERYTHING. I've never done this before. It's time to start fresh. I'll soon be posting everything as I learn to use this site. I have everything from Proac Supertowers to studio 100's to studio 1 mk2 to Quick silver monos and full function pre with all MIT wire to Stax Lamda's to two Onyx integrateds etc...

Not sure how much I'll fetch for everything, but I've been listening to everything from 15k speakers to the newest integrateds. I have found a few dealers who have been ultra helpful and very nice. Many years ago I met Richard Vandersteen at Stereo Unlimited in SD and fell in love with the 'new' 2's. After a 4 year stint driving the USS Kitty Hawk, I moved back to CT and set out to finally get my new system. I sold off my moscode amp, CJ pre and Polk 10's (Sandy Gross' design) and found a Vandy dealer in RI> I became close friends with the owner and we are still in touch even though he's been closed for years. I walked in with my wife prepared to walk out with Vandy's and a new amp. Instead I walked out with the Supertowers, Quick mono's and his personal pre amp.

I have loved this system for many years and have had new drivers put in and it sounded even better. Problem is, my new wife needs a remote so I had to buy an NAD integrated. I still love the speakers, but I was told to check out the new D series of Proacs. I was led to Audio Connection and John (he posts here). I went in to audition the Pro Ac's and they were nice, but I wasn't blown away as what I have is still pretty darn good. Then John told me to listen to the Vandy's along with the Ayer 7x integrated and a cheap Music Hall DAC.

Keep in mind, I had recently heard the Focal BE line, Paradigm Signatures, B&W (never have liked them), Dynaudio, PSB T I think it was, Wilson, Dali and the list goes on. Nearly all the contenders (I"ve left some out). I have head the NAD Master series and the new NAD 390 digital. I heard the Krell, etc....

I never expected to have one system blow me away, but it did. I was in SHOCK and still am as it's the reverse of the last time. I really wanted to hear the Hegel integrateds as they have a nice DAC built in, but they aren't out yet. That said, the Ayre would be hard to beat. I like John's approach in that he puts systems together and we have similar ears. He carries the lines I have and have had other than the MIT I have been using (770 MH CVT and shotgun etc..) I also didn't think the Audioquest would impress me, but again, I was dead wrong.

I read reviews, but nothing beats listening. NOTHING. I think the Vandy Treo's , ayre 7x integrated, Music Hall DAC and Audioquest with those DBS deals are the way I'm going to go as soon as I'm able to share some great stuff with folks.

I look forward to reading more threads in the forum as it seems like a nice community.

I wonder how many have been in my boat (starting fresh for the first time after all these years)? Any stories to share?
I second the welcome. Yes it is a bit of a challenge starting from nothing, as you need a minimum of kit to audition anything new. As you can't do this, I would suggest buying second hand, though it may be slower getting that minimum together. That malkes mistakes less costly and easier to rectify. I would also not go for stopgap purchases to get you started, also expensive.

I suppose you need a starting blueprint, integrated, pre/power, tubes/SS, CD player/streamer/vinyl, though the latter will be determined by what music you have already. For example, I found out quite quickly, getting back into HiFi after the long children years, that Solid state was not for me. It sounds like you are hapy with solid state. That being the case, I do'nt think you can go wrong with Ayre or Hegel, both have an excellent reputation.

Speakers will be dependent on the output of the amp, there are so many great speakers around, it rather depends on your budget. I went from acoustic Zen Adagios to Daedalus, both are truly excellent, the Daedalus in a class of their own and they look great too. You won't find them second hand, you will with the Adagios, which are a cheaper option.

Sorry if this is unsultingly basic, but budget for wires, power conditioning and supports too. I have never managed this, but it is said to be better to stick to one cable manufacturer throughout, giving a better bang for your buck. Best of luck.
First of all take all the time you need. Looking for new audio is often so much fun. You can spend your money one time so do it right. Start with the speakers. One option you should try is Monitor Audio Platinum. But audition them with amps which can give a deep and wide stage. Because it can give a wider and deeper stage like Wilson Audio. With the right amps it even can play beside the speakers. These speakers can be played at extreme volumes, most other speakers can't go. Resolution and imaging is stunning. About amps I would listen to Pass Labs. In the past I compared it 2 months with different Ayre amps. The stage is wider and deeper than Ayre can build an image. 3D staging is the essential part for the absolute sound in highend audio. One important part is what I call intimate sound. This is the small and realistic proportion of instruments and voices. Audioquest and Purist Audio are one of the best in this part. The other part is what we call 'blacks'. This is the room between all the instruments and voices which were recorded with there acoustic info at the studio. This part will make the image a lot more palpable and stable. MIT is a brand which I sold and owned for many years. These days Audioquest is a big step further in all the parts you Judge cables at. Have fun and enjoy your way to the absolute sound for you!
Pass Labs class A can give a very realistic sound in instruments. You can hear the difference easily between 2 different acoustic guitars at the same time. To be honnest I tried this with Ayre, but it does not have the same level in sound realism.