New to Audiogon. selling my whole system

EVERYTHING. I've never done this before. It's time to start fresh. I'll soon be posting everything as I learn to use this site. I have everything from Proac Supertowers to studio 100's to studio 1 mk2 to Quick silver monos and full function pre with all MIT wire to Stax Lamda's to two Onyx integrateds etc...

Not sure how much I'll fetch for everything, but I've been listening to everything from 15k speakers to the newest integrateds. I have found a few dealers who have been ultra helpful and very nice. Many years ago I met Richard Vandersteen at Stereo Unlimited in SD and fell in love with the 'new' 2's. After a 4 year stint driving the USS Kitty Hawk, I moved back to CT and set out to finally get my new system. I sold off my moscode amp, CJ pre and Polk 10's (Sandy Gross' design) and found a Vandy dealer in RI> I became close friends with the owner and we are still in touch even though he's been closed for years. I walked in with my wife prepared to walk out with Vandy's and a new amp. Instead I walked out with the Supertowers, Quick mono's and his personal pre amp.

I have loved this system for many years and have had new drivers put in and it sounded even better. Problem is, my new wife needs a remote so I had to buy an NAD integrated. I still love the speakers, but I was told to check out the new D series of Proacs. I was led to Audio Connection and John (he posts here). I went in to audition the Pro Ac's and they were nice, but I wasn't blown away as what I have is still pretty darn good. Then John told me to listen to the Vandy's along with the Ayer 7x integrated and a cheap Music Hall DAC.

Keep in mind, I had recently heard the Focal BE line, Paradigm Signatures, B&W (never have liked them), Dynaudio, PSB T I think it was, Wilson, Dali and the list goes on. Nearly all the contenders (I"ve left some out). I have head the NAD Master series and the new NAD 390 digital. I heard the Krell, etc....

I never expected to have one system blow me away, but it did. I was in SHOCK and still am as it's the reverse of the last time. I really wanted to hear the Hegel integrateds as they have a nice DAC built in, but they aren't out yet. That said, the Ayre would be hard to beat. I like John's approach in that he puts systems together and we have similar ears. He carries the lines I have and have had other than the MIT I have been using (770 MH CVT and shotgun etc..) I also didn't think the Audioquest would impress me, but again, I was dead wrong.

I read reviews, but nothing beats listening. NOTHING. I think the Vandy Treo's , ayre 7x integrated, Music Hall DAC and Audioquest with those DBS deals are the way I'm going to go as soon as I'm able to share some great stuff with folks.

I look forward to reading more threads in the forum as it seems like a nice community.

I wonder how many have been in my boat (starting fresh for the first time after all these years)? Any stories to share?
Good to meeet you, thank you for serving our country, and wow, it must be a letdown to drive a wheeled vehicle after driving a supercarrier!

You seem like an ardent fan of both the gear and the experience; I strongly suggest you attend a regional audio show before you blow the entire sum on a replacement rig. You are in a rare position that most audiophiles are afraid of, that of being able to start from scratch.

Frankly, selling off the entire rig - I have done so a few times - allowed me to take major steps in sound quality and enjoyment which would have taken a lot longer to achieve piecemeal. So, congratulations on not being afraid to "jump ship" so to speak and climb aboard another vessel! Some people get so emotionally attached to their system that it prevents them from having a far richer experience. You are wise not to let nostalgia block future enjoyment.

Attending a show is a mind expanding experience, and could have you alter your choices. I'm not trying to take away from your friend and dealer, but aside from the friendships made at shows one hears a tremendous amount of variety, and sometimes that opens a new door to ownership of an unanticipated component/rig which ultimately satisfies.

One of my audio friends went to his first show about a year ago; at that show we heard the Volti Audio Alura speakers and that was it. He had a fair bit of anxiety over a radical remake of the system but ended up switching out his entire system over that year and now has a dream system he can't get enough of. In fact, he bought the Border Patrol amplification and Snake River Audio cabling as well, nearly replicating the exact show system he liked so well -and it sounds extravagant; as would be expected it is better sounding in his home than it was in the show's hotel room. No matter the price, the show experience is your best way to "shop" the world for a rig.

Re: Audioquest DBS - years ago I spent a fair bit of time comparing that technology to straight wire and found that DBS beat some but not others. Now I do not consider it to be inherently superior to straight wire. My experience is that a variable such as total gauge of the conductor is more critical than DBS. Others may vigorously disagree, but I am not interested in arguing my findings. :)
Guys, thanks. Great thread here. As for John and Audio Connection, I like that he's into music even more than gear and he puts things together that sound good together. I was able to get that ayre integrated and it will be here on Tuesday. I can't wait to hook it up to the current system to hear how it make it sound. I have been fortunate to listen to so many systems that are out there as I have been to many folks homes (the new brick and mortar I guess) as well as many stores. I admit that I lean towards more established companies if I can get most if not all what I want for similar cost. I have heard well over 50 speakers in the last few months and I listened to them on the amps that the folks felt showed them off best. I can't do tubes anymore, so those are all out. Too bad, but I have found Hegel and Ayre both sound/tube like, but both handle bass really really well. That's why I went with Ayre. I've heard them with Dynaudio, Kharma, Focal, Paradigm Signature, Vandy's, Pro Ac, B&W, Legacy, PSB, Wilson, and a bunch more I can't remember, lol. I have also like the Pass amps a ton and have heard them with a few speakers with ceramic/Rhadio (spelling) ribbons.

Don't want to go over 50" tall and want a thinner profile. I also realize that I can afford true bass down to the mid/low 30's. I have missed that with my supertowers I think, although they go pretty low when the music does.

I have loved the Vandy 5 Carbon, Quatro Wood Carbon and Treos. I have heard them through various amps and DAC's. The Music Hall seems like a really nice DAC for the price. I wouldn't mind stepping up teh DAC, but not sure how much I can afford when it's all said and done, so a 500 DAC is a bargain as I can sell it off later when I want to upgrade that area.

I have heard many cables and was an MIT guy since day one. I even used Bruce's Monster Cables that he invented in the 70's. I'm selling off all my MIT stuff. I have heard the AQ with DBS vs Nordost, Tara, Kimber (I still have some speaker cables that I have liked), Straight Wire and many others. I always felt AQ was great marketing and not that great, but I've been so impressed. AGain, I hated Vandy and loved Pro Ac until I heard both side by side at John's. I have always listened to my ears, lol. I like a musical presentation that goes low in a tuneful way and not boomy. I like a coherent speaker and have never liked subs as they are so hard to set up properly. In many of the newer company's designs, I've heard exotic drivers that just don't go together. So many remind me of the old Apogees with dynamic subs attached. I also don't think there are huge differences between most of the newer 15k speakers and the 5k speakers. I think the biggest difference is the amount and quality of bass you purchase. It's always been that way and still is. If you get midrange right and have GREAT bass that legit goes into the mid 30's then piano will sound RIGHT. Those just seem like the best sounding speakers to me.

I think I'm looking for a DAC that costs in the 1-1.5K range that has up to date specs (seems so important to DACS although sound is still the driver) that bests the Music Hall by a lot. If not, I'll go the later route for now at least.

As for shows or clubs, I'd love to know more about them. Problem is I don't do things like that alone for the most part. I like to attend with like minded folks who love music and gear. I make no apologies about loving gear too. Are there clubs in CT? If so, please let me know.

Thank for the thanks for serving. It was all my pleasure and I miss it. I love driving wheeled vehicles, lol. I can't do what I used to do, due to my MS, but as Long as they let me drive and I'm safe for all on the road, I'll do it, lol.
"I have heard many cables and was an MIT guy since day one. I even used Bruce's Monster Cables that he invented in the 70's. I'm selling off all my MIT stuff. I have heard the AQ with DBS vs Nordost, Tara, Kimber (I still have some speaker cables that I have liked), Straight Wire and many others. I always felt AQ was great marketing and not that great, but I've been so impressed."

I am on a mission to do as many a-b comparison as possible between MIT and Audioquest. Since I started this I never had any MIT wins. Why? Because Audioquest wins in every part. People have to learn to look further. Audioquest is better in dynamics, superior in blacks and resolution compared to MIT. And even the sound is much more musical and involving. Stop believing the bullshit stories of some companies who say; you have to use MIT with Avalon and spectral. In the last months I have proven in different a-b battles that it is based on f... nothing. I have a new client with spectral and MIT. I will convince him how much he misses. I was surprised how much is missing what need to be there. And yes it is that easy! Quality sells and rules!!!!