B&W design quality observation. Any downside

I just took the baffle off a pair of B&W Concept 90 CM1's from 1991. I wanted to tighten the woofer drivers to the baffle. I was surprised to find the spider for the woofer was cast in 1 piece with the front baffle! Certainly no tightening required.(It confirmed the B&W ethic of good quality to me. The rubberized/elastic seal between baffle and speaker was also in perfect condition. I was left to tighten the tweeters to the baffle and the baffle to the body-which made a very noticeable improvement to the clarity, dynamics and smoothness of the sound
I am impressed by this design; it seems sensible when technically feasible as it absolutely eliminates any chance of loosening from the baffle-which is the bane of ALL speakers where the drive units are affixed to the baffle.
I wonder why some of these so called "ultra high end speakers (Magico, Yg Acoustics) don't use this type of design.
Is there a downside I am not considering?
Many things in audio are a lot more simple and predictable when you compare all the time.
I have great sound staging and holographic (3D) effect with my 800's. In my experience, almost any speaker can present a great soundstage with the right setup and equipment. In fact, many people who listen to my system comment how much it sounds like surround sound with equally impressive wide separation. I guess I have been lucky that I am not on the speaker roller coaster ride.

You'll all laugh but my favorite speakers were B&W DM602's. I paid $600 for them new in 1997 and they were just amazing for me. I bought CM7's that I thought sucked the head after that but those 602's were some rock and roll speakers. I was tipped off by a friend who worked at a high end store about them.

I now have a different taste in music and I will not refer to it as more mature, although it might be. Who cares. It's not Important. I'll always consider those B&W's some amazing favorites.
Audioquest4life, This has happened to me too with my 802D;
"In fact, many people who listen to my system comment how much it sounds like surround sound with equally impressive wide separation."

I used to have a pair of B&W 805 Sig for the rear surrounds. Well I turned them off and while playing a movie or music I would ask people how well can they hear the rear speakers? Then I would ask them to check them by putting their ear up to it. When they found out they were off the whole time it just blow their mind. They could not get over how IMMERSED AND 3D THE SOUND-STAGE WAS!DO YOU HEAR THAT BO!

I was at a dealer before I bought my 802D. They had a pair of 804 that I was demoing. I could not get over the 3D sound stage it was producing. I got up and walked around them and the room trying to see if they were using something else to make this happen.

So I say to Bo, OPINION IT IS NOT, BULLSHIT IT IS. Saying the moon is made out of green cheese is not an opinion, it is BULLSHIT. Saying the the sun revolves around the earth is not an opinion, it is BULLSHIT. Saying it is the crossovers is not an opinion, it is BULLSHIT. YOU have NO STUDY or PROOF of it.

And PLEASE do NOT site 'I heard them at audio shows" as PROOF. I have heard some of the best sounding equipment in the world sound HORRIBLE at shows and dealers.

Now do not misunderstand me. Some speakers do a better job of it then others. But NOT to the extent that Bo says of B&W, at least of the last several generations, maybe more.

You tout yourself as an authority and that is way I can not let you go unanswered. And because your opinion is not an opinion it is BULLSHIT.