Your Preference: Resolution or Fullness?

Just saw this mentioned over at another forum and thought it'd be good to hear your thoughts. Do you place a bigger importance on a speaker's resolution or its overall fullness of sound? This can apply to any type of speaker model, whether it bookshelf/tower, etc.
Al, of course, my oversight; sorry. Thanks for clarifying and for your fine post; as usual.
Tubegroover, wow, thanks for the nice words. Funny, I always feel very inadequate in that regard, there is so much depth to the subjects of music and sound that we only scratch the surface. Regards.
I think I saw neutrality only pop up on one post, but naturalness showed up on that same post and a few others. I believe naturalness addresses the timbre and tonality mentioned and, is for me too, very important. Neutrality, in my mind, is unabtainable (as a true musical reproduction). All equipment is on one side or the other of absolute neutral. Definition (which includes some soundstage depth) and fullness are the side where I lean. At my age, resolution, transparency, air and the like are things I HAVE to listen for rather than simply enjoy.