Upgrade to ATC / Bryston

My system consists of a Squeezebox Touch, Audio gd digital interface, Metrum Octave DAC, HK990 Integrated Amp and Dynaudio Excite 12x Speakers. I also have a Rythmik 12 inch sub that produces tight and controlled low frequencies and blends in seamlessly with the Dynaudios.

I am not in the least unhappy with the sound produced from my current audio system. In fact, I'm am in love with what I hear, describing it as sweet, musical and heavenly with no ear irritation no matter how load I play the music.

The question I have is can I get even more detail and resolution without sacrificing the sweet sound I have come to love in this setup? I am primarily considering swapping out the power amp and speakers to see what if I can find anything I like more. I'm afraid I am going to go through this exercise and end up with exactly what I have now but may be pleasantly surprised.

When I picked up the Dynaudios from the dealer a few years ago, they where driving them with a Bryston 3b SST2 and the resolution was amazing. I can not talk to the musicality because I did not like the source material but it definitely had more detail then my HK990. I've been thinking of buying a used 3b SST to see if I really like it, or is the musicality of the Harmon Kardon worth more than the resolution of the Bryston? I may still use the HK990 as my preamp for now and eventually get an Onkyo P3000R preamp for all the digital it's digital inputs.

On a separate occasion I have also auditioned the ATC SCM 11 driven by the ATC 150 w amp and several other amps. With the ATC amp, the SCM 11 sounded amazing, with lots of detail and beautiful musical synergy. With any other amp, they lost all the magic. Evan adding a non ATC preamp made the speakers lose the wonderful sound.

So now I am considering trying out a Bryston amp and ATC speakers. Both are supposed to be extremely transparent. I could end up with one, or the other, both, or neither. If I can get fantastic detail without sacrificing musicality then I have succeeded. I was planning to get the new version of the SCM 11 speakers (2013) and a used 3b SST2. What do you all think?
Kiddman, you are right; I assumed you were piggy backing on bob's thoughts. Thanks for the correction.
Post removed 
My time is running away on me; this will be my last post to this discussion.

Bob, we've both been making assumptions, thanks for correcting the perception regarding large floor standing speakers.

Now, correcting your misperception; I do not ignore the room's impact on sound (I assume you been bass, since that is the sticking point it seems). Thanks for the link to the white paper. Scanning through it I noted the room construction techniques, most of which I have done such as ceiling and walls, treatments, etc.

We know where we are at on this, and I believe we would continue to disagree even if discussed at length. I need to move on to other things. It has been a good chat. :)
Thanks Doug.

Original Poster, you were heading in the right direction with the ATC. No power conditioner or power cables will give you that increase in purity, detail, etc. that the ATC will.

Comparing the magnitude of improvement from accessories like conditioners and power cords to the improvement of using a great speaker like ATC is like talking about how you should keep your Ford Mustang and improve it with to aero windshield wipers, special smooth license plate holders, and cool wheels instead of upgrading to a Porsche.