Wrong speakers

Unwittingly , reversed the method for putting a system together.
Glad to have the Einstein power amp along with a Wadia
The mistake I made was to buy thiel
3.6 .
Researching this after the fact, I realize that the thiels only blossom with strong current.
So, will replace them with speakers that suit the Einstein.
Cruising the forums here , The best or most popular, desired etc
Seem to be, mbl, ohmm, sonus faber, possibly Tannoy as well.
Asking for help in choosing a used speaker for under $15K
Thanks as I find these forums really usefull
AlmRg, nice of you to point that out , thanks
I did talk to the speaker maker you recommended, and did get get the feeling that it would be the right fit. Problem being ,of course, guessing at speakers without hearing them is really hard.
I live pretty isolated, the nearest city had three dealers who have all gone out of business.
Not sure as to the reason, economy , or the itunes
Good Rief
Will look fir them
I did search up merlin they seem real nice , I like their look to, even if its conventional
Ill try to get the larger ones if they come along here
Meanwhile Ill check the coincidents
Very helpful, its not that i like the ohmm sound haven't heard any of these speakers actually
Only read about them on forums and online reviews
On digging further , i git the impression that ohmms also want gobs of power
I find it kind of wierd that tube amps are very popular , while most of the good to great speakers desire large powerful amps
Ill search them up
Though the ones posted here seem quite moderate in price
Are they great nonetheless?