Audience "The One" or Dynaudio Excite X12

I'm going to add a pair of speakers to my desktop/headphone system. Will initally be using a Nuforce DDA-100 integrated because its the only amp I own right now (besides my headphone amp). I keep looking at Audience's new speaker, The One, but I have always loved Dynaudio speakers and The Excite X12 is on closeout. My room is about 18" square and I listen to acoustic music, light rock, and gypsy jazz. Speakers will be on my desktop. but could possibly end up on stands on the other side of the room. Any opinions are appreciated.
I think you made a great choice, although I have only heard the Spendors and Dynaudio's. I own your speaker, but the previous "R" iteration. I have heard the 3/1 R2's, and I really liked their sound too. I am running my 3/5R's with an LM Audio 211 amp. It sings nicely in ultra linear mode w/ 25 watts. I understand the powers that be at Spendor prefer solid state amps, but I am liking the 211. Another nice match, which I only heard briefly, was Leben. Best of luck with your new speakers.
Thanks for the response. I've got one of the new Creek Evo 50a amps on the way. I think it will be a perfect match for the Spendors.